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Add a hack to keep registers with option types working
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Alasdair committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent 130c83d commit ba03b9b
Showing 2 changed files with 22 additions and 12 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1547,8 +1547,11 @@ let generate_undefineds vs_ids defs =
undefined_builtins @ defs

let rec get_uninitialized_registers = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), _)), _) :: defs ->
(typ, id) :: get_uninitialized_registers defs
| DEF_aux (DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), _)), _) :: defs -> begin
match typ with
| Typ_aux (Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "option", _), [_]), _) -> get_uninitialized_registers defs
| _ -> (typ, id) :: get_uninitialized_registers defs
| _ :: defs -> get_uninitialized_registers defs
| [] -> []

27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4591,16 +4591,23 @@ and check_def : Env.t -> uannot def -> tannot def list * Env.t =
| DEF_instantiation (ispec, substs) -> check_outcome_instantiation env def_annot ispec substs
| DEF_default default -> check_default env def_annot default
| DEF_overload (id, ids) -> ([DEF_aux (DEF_overload (id, ids), def_annot)], Env.add_overloads def_annot.loc id ids env)
| DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), (l, _))) ->
if not (can_be_undefined ~at:l env typ) then
typ_error l ("Must provide a default register value for a register of type " ^ string_of_typ typ);
let env = Env.add_register id typ env in
( [
(DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), (l, mk_expected_tannot env typ (Some typ)))), def_annot);
| DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), (l, uannot))) -> begin
match typ with
| Typ_aux (Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "option", _), [_]), _) ->
Reporting.warn "No default value" l "Registers of type option should explicitly be given a default value";
let none_ctor = locate (fun _ -> gen_loc l) (mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "None", [mk_lit_exp L_unit]))) in
check_def env (DEF_aux (DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, Some none_ctor), (l, uannot))), def_annot))
| _ ->
if not (can_be_undefined ~at:l env typ) then
typ_error l ("Must provide a default register value for a register of type " ^ string_of_typ typ);
let env = Env.add_register id typ env in
( [
(DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, None), (l, mk_expected_tannot env typ (Some typ)))), def_annot);
| DEF_register (DEC_aux (DEC_reg (typ, id, Some exp), (l, _))) ->
let checked_exp = crule check_exp env exp typ in
let env = Env.add_register id typ env in

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