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Lean: preserve more types from sail
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1. Preserve the let type annotations from the sail source
2. Preserve the parameters of types
  • Loading branch information
ineol committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 4986f25 commit f6f419a
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Showing 7 changed files with 76 additions and 33 deletions.
78 changes: 47 additions & 31 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,15 +57,16 @@ let is_enum env id = match Env.lookup_id id env with Enum _ -> true | _ -> false

let pat_is_plain_binder env (P_aux (p, _)) =
match p with
| (P_id id | P_typ (_, P_aux (P_id id, _))) when not (is_enum env id) -> Some (Some id)
| P_wild | P_typ (_, P_aux (P_wild, _)) -> Some None
| P_var (_, _) -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "var", Unknown)))
| P_app (_, _) -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "app", Unknown)))
| P_vector _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "vect", Unknown)))
| P_tuple _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "tuple", Unknown)))
| P_list _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "list", Unknown)))
| P_cons (_, _) -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "cons", Unknown)))
| P_lit _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "lit", Unknown)))
| P_id id when not (is_enum env id) -> Some (Some id, None)
| P_typ (typ, P_aux (P_id id, _)) when not (is_enum env id) -> Some (Some id, Some typ)
| P_wild | P_typ (_, P_aux (P_wild, _)) -> Some (None, None)
| P_var (_, _) -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "var", Unknown)), None)
| P_app (_, _) -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "app", Unknown)), None)
| P_vector _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "vect", Unknown)), None)
| P_tuple _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "tuple", Unknown)), None)
| P_list _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "list", Unknown)), None)
| P_cons (_, _) -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "cons", Unknown)), None)
| P_lit _ -> Some (Some (Id_aux (Id "lit", Unknown)), None)
| _ -> None

(* Copied from the Coq PP *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,9 +172,9 @@ and doc_nconstraint ctx (NC_aux (nc, _)) =
match nc with
| NC_and (n1, n2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_nconstraint ctx n1; string ""; doc_nconstraint ctx n2]
| NC_or (n1, n2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_nconstraint ctx n1; string ""; doc_nconstraint ctx n2]
| NC_equal (a1, a2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_typ_arg ctx a1; string "="; doc_typ_arg ctx a2]
| NC_not_equal (a1, a2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_typ_arg ctx a1; string ""; doc_typ_arg ctx a2]
| NC_app (f, args) -> doc_id_ctor f ^^ parens (separate_map comma_sp (doc_typ_arg ctx) args)
| NC_equal (a1, a2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_typ_arg ctx `All a1; string "="; doc_typ_arg ctx `All a2]
| NC_not_equal (a1, a2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_typ_arg ctx `All a1; string ""; doc_typ_arg ctx `All a2]
| NC_app (f, args) -> doc_id_ctor f ^^ parens (separate_map comma_sp (doc_typ_arg ctx `All) args)
| NC_false -> string "false"
| NC_true -> string "true"
| NC_ge (n1, n2) -> flow (break 1) [doc_nexp ctx n1; string ""; doc_nexp ctx n2]
Expand All @@ -190,8 +191,13 @@ and doc_nconstraint ctx (NC_aux (nc, _)) =
| NC_var ki -> doc_kid ctx ki

and doc_typ_arg ctx (A_aux (t, _)) =
match t with A_typ t -> doc_typ ctx t | A_nexp n -> doc_nexp ctx n | A_bool nc -> parens (doc_nconstraint ctx nc)
and doc_typ_arg ctx rel (A_aux (t, _)) =
match t with
| A_typ t -> doc_typ ctx t
| A_nexp n -> doc_nexp ctx n
| A_bool nc -> (
match rel with `Only_relevant -> empty | `All -> parens (doc_nconstraint ctx nc)

and provably_nneg ctx x = Type_check.prove __POS__ ctx.env (nc_gteq x (nint 0))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ and doc_typ ctx (Typ_aux (t, _) as typ) =
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "range", _), [A_aux (A_nexp low, _); A_aux (A_nexp high, _)]) ->
if provably_nneg ctx low then string "Nat" else string "Int"
| Typ_var kid -> doc_kid ctx kid
| Typ_app (id, _) -> doc_id_ctor id
| Typ_app (id, args) -> doc_id_ctor id ^^ space ^^ separate_map space (doc_typ_arg ctx `Only_relevant) args
| Typ_exist (_, _, typ) -> doc_typ ctx typ
| _ -> failwith ("Type " ^ string_of_typ_con typ ^ " " ^ string_of_typ typ ^ " not translatable yet.")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +258,12 @@ let doc_quant_item_all ctx (QI_aux (qi, _)) =
(* Used to annotate types with the original constraints *)
let doc_typ_quant_all ctx tq = match tq with TypQ_tq qs -> (doc_quant_item_all ctx) qs | TypQ_no_forall -> []

let doc_typ_quant_in_comment ctx (TypQ_aux (tq, _)) =
let typ_quants = doc_typ_quant_all ctx tq in
if List.length typ_quants > 0 then
string "/-- Type quantifiers: " ^^ nest 2 (flow comma_sp typ_quants) ^^ string " -/" ^^ hardline
else empty

let doc_quant_item_relevant ctx (QI_aux (qi, annot)) =
match qi with
| QI_id (KOpt_aux (KOpt_kind (k, ki), _)) -> Some (flow (break 1) [doc_kid ctx ki; colon; doc_kind ctx ki k])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,17 +464,18 @@ and doc_exp (as_monadic : bool) ctx (E_aux (e, (l, annot)) as full_exp) =
else wrap_with_pure as_monadic (parens (separate space [doc_exp false ctx e; colon; doc_typ ctx typ]))
| E_tuple es -> wrap_with_pure as_monadic (parens (separate_map (comma ^^ space) d_of_arg es))
| E_let (LB_aux (LB_val (lpat, lexp), _), e) ->
let id =
let id_typ =
match pat_is_plain_binder env lpat with
| Some (Some (Id_aux (Id id, _))) -> id
| Some None -> "x" (* TODO fresh name or wildcard instead of x *)
| Some (Some (Id_aux (Id id, _)), Some typ) -> string id ^^ space ^^ colon ^^ space ^^ doc_typ ctx typ
| Some (Some (Id_aux (Id id, _)), None) -> string id
| Some (None, _) -> string "x" (* TODO fresh name or wildcard instead of x *)
| _ -> failwith "Let pattern not translatable yet."
let decl_val =
if effectful (effect_of lexp) then [string ""; string "do"; doc_exp true ctx lexp]
else [coloneq; doc_exp false ctx lexp]
nest 2 (flow (break 1) ([string "let"; string id] @ decl_val)) ^^ hardline ^^ doc_exp as_monadic ctx e
nest 2 (flow (break 1) ([string "let"; id_typ] @ decl_val)) ^^ hardline ^^ doc_exp as_monadic ctx e
| E_internal_return e -> doc_exp false ctx e (* ??? *)
| E_struct fexps ->
let args = d_of_field fexps in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,7 +524,7 @@ let doc_binder ctx i t =

let doc_funcl_init global (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, pexp), annot)) =
let env = env_of_tannot (snd annot) in
let TypQ_aux (tq, l), typ = Env.get_val_spec_orig id env in
let (TypQ_aux (tq, l) as tq_all), typ = Env.get_val_spec_orig id env in
let arg_typs, ret_typ, _ =
match typ with
| Typ_aux (Typ_fn (arg_typs, ret_typ), _) -> (arg_typs, ret_typ, no_effect)
Expand All @@ -523,8 +536,8 @@ let doc_funcl_init global (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, pexp), annot)) =
|> (fun (pat, typ) ->
match pat_is_plain_binder env pat with
| Some (Some id) -> (id, typ)
| Some None -> (Id_aux (Id "x", l), typ) (* TODO fresh name or wildcard instead of x *)
| Some (Some id, _) -> (id, typ)
| Some (None, _) -> (Id_aux (Id "x", l), typ) (* TODO fresh name or wildcard instead of x *)
| _ -> failwith "Argument pattern not translatable yet."
Expand All @@ -537,12 +550,7 @@ let doc_funcl_init global (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, pexp), annot)) =
(ctx, []) binders
let typ_quants = doc_typ_quant_all ctx tq in
let typ_quant_comment =
if List.length typ_quants > 0 then
string "/-- Type quantifiers: " ^^ nest 2 (flow comma_sp typ_quants) ^^ string " -/" ^^ hardline
else empty
let typ_quant_comment = doc_typ_quant_in_comment ctx tq_all in
(* Use auto-implicits for type quanitifiers for now and see if this works *)
let doc_ret_typ = doc_typ ctx ret_typ in
let is_monadic = effectful (effect_of exp) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,14 +617,22 @@ let doc_typdef ctx (TD_aux (td, tannot) as full_typdef) =
| [] -> [string "structure"; string id; string "where"]
| _ -> [string "structure"; string id; separate space rectyp; string "where"]
nest 2 (flow (break 1) decl_start ^^ hardline ^^ fields_doc)
doc_typ_quant_in_comment ctx tq ^^ hardline ^^ nest 2 (flow (break 1) decl_start ^^ hardline ^^ fields_doc)
| TD_abbrev (Id_aux (Id id, _), tq, A_aux (A_typ t, _)) ->
nest 2 (flow (break 1) [string "abbrev"; string id; coloneq; doc_typ ctx t])
| TD_abbrev (Id_aux (Id id, _), tq, A_aux (A_nexp ne, _)) ->
nest 2 (flow (break 1) [string "abbrev"; string id; colon; string "Int"; coloneq; doc_nexp ctx ne])
| TD_variant (Id_aux (Id id, _), typq, ar, _) ->
| TD_variant (Id_aux (Id id, _), tq, ar, _) ->
let pp_tus = concat ( (fun tu -> hardline ^^ doc_type_union ctx tu) ar) in
nest 2 (nest 2 (flow space [string "inductive"; string id; string "where"]) ^^ pp_tus)
let rectyp = doc_typ_quant_relevant ctx tq in
let rectyp = (fun d -> parens d) rectyp in
let decl_start =
match rectyp with
| [] -> [string "inductive"; string id; string "where"]
| _ -> [string "inductive"; string id; separate space rectyp; string "where"]
doc_typ_quant_in_comment ctx tq ^^ hardline
^^ nest 2 (nest 2 (flow space decl_start) ^^ pp_tus)
^^ hardline ^^ hardline
^^ flow space [string "open"; string id]
| _ -> failwith ("Type definition " ^ string_of_type_def_con full_typdef ^ " not translatable yet.")
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/let.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ def foo (lit : Unit) : (BitVec 16) :=
let z := (HOr.hOr (0xFFFF : (BitVec 16)) (0xABCD : (BitVec 16)))
(HAnd.hAnd (0x0000 : (BitVec 16)) z)

def bar (lit : Unit) : (BitVec 16) :=
let z : (BitVec 16) := (HOr.hOr (0xFFFF : (BitVec 16)) (0xABCD : (BitVec 16)))
(HAnd.hAnd (0x0000 : (BitVec 16)) z)

def initialize_registers (lit : Unit) : Unit :=

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/let.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ function foo() -> bits(16) = {
0x0000 & z

function bar() -> bits(16) = {
let z : bits(16) = 0xFFFF | 0xABCD in
0x0000 & z
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/struct.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ import Out.Sail.Sail

open Sail

structure My_struct where
field1 : Int
field2 : (BitVec 1)

/-- Type quantifiers: k_n : Int, k_vasize : Int, k_pa : Type, k_ts : Type, k_arch_ak : Type, k_n > 0
∧ k_vasize ≥ 0 -/

structure Mem_write_request
(k_n : Nat) (k_vasize : Nat) (k_pa : Type) (k_ts : Type) (k_arch_ak : Type) where
va : (Option (BitVec k_vasize))
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/lean/struct_of_enum.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ inductive e_test where | VAL

open e_test

structure s_test where
f : e_test

Expand Down
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions test/lean/union.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,25 @@ import Out.Sail.Sail

open Sail

structure rectangle where
width : Int
height : Int

structure circle where
radius : Int

inductive shape where
| Rectangle (_ : rectangle)
| Circle (_ : circle)

open shape

inductive my_option where
/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/

inductive my_option (k_a : Type) where
| MySome (_ : k_a)
| MyNone (_ : Unit)

Expand All @@ -31,11 +36,15 @@ def undefined_circle (lit : Unit) : SailM circle := do
(pure { radius := sorry })

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def is_none (opt : my_option) : Bool :=
def is_none (opt : my_option k_a) : Bool :=
match opt with
| MySome _ => false
| MyNone () => true

/-- Type quantifiers: k_a : Type -/
def use_is_none (opt : my_option k_a) : Bool :=
(is_none opt)

def initialize_registers (lit : Unit) : Unit :=

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/union.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ function is_none opt = match opt {
MyNone() => true

val use_is_none : forall ('a : Type). my_option('a) -> bool

function use_is_none opt = {

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