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Run AWS IOT core MQTT sample on EK‐RA8M1

Duy Nguyen edited this page Jul 12, 2024 · 8 revisions

Hardware connection

Remove jumper J61 to enable Ethernet B

Jumper Configurations
J61 Open

AWS IoT Core setup

  1. To run this sample, you need to create an account on Amazon Web Services:

  2. Once your account is created, sign in to AWS console as root user:

  1. After signing in to AWS console, in the search bar, search for "IoT core" and open it
  1. Create a thing name "zephyr_sample", add certificate and policy for it.
  • Go to "AWS IoT -> Manage -> Things -> Create things -> Create single thing"
  • Create Cerificate for IoT thing, it's recommended to use the autogenerated one from AWS.
  • Create and attach policy to certificate, when click "Create policy" a new tab will pop up at "AWS IoT -> Security -> Policies"
  • Add below permission:
Policy effect Policy actions Policy resource
Allow iot:Connect *
Allow iot:Publish *
Allow iot:Receive *
Allow iot:GetRetainedMessage *
Allow iot:ListRetainedMessage *
Allow iot:RetainPublish *
Allow iot:Subscribe *
  • After finished creating the policy go back to the old tab, choose the policy and click "Create thing"

Important: After click "Create thing" you will be asked to download the Certificates and Keys, check and download Device Cerificate, Public key and Private key.

Setup, Build and Verify sanmple application

  1. Copy the downloaded the certificates and keys file in step 4 to "zephyr/samples/net/cloud/aws_iot_mqtt/src/creds" and execute "zephyr/samples/net/cloud/aws_iot_mqtt/src/creds/", it will help to generate the key in form of C code for the sample.

  2. Modify "CONFIG_AWS_ENDPOINT" config in "zephyr/samples/net/cloud/aws_iot_mqtt/prj.conf" to your AWS account End point (it can be check in AWS IoT -> Settings)

  1. Build and Flash application to board.

    cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr

    west build -b ek_ra8m1 -p always samples/net/cloud/aws_iot_mqtt/

    west flash

  2. Verify result using "MQTT test client" on AWS IoT console.

  • The sample is created to Publish a message to topic "zephyr_sample/data" and Subscribe to topic "zephyr_sample/downlink". On AWS IoT console "MQTT test client" we can Subcribe to topic "zephyr_sample/data" to verify message sent from board and publish a message to topic "zephyr_sample/downlink" to send a message to the board


  • For each message MQTT test client send to top "zephyr_sample/downlink" board will response with a message to "zephyr_sample/data":
  • Log show on board console: