u-blox gnss modem library
A more elaborate description will follow later.
Code samples can be found in the examples folder. Execute them from the project directory as modules.
python3 -m examples.show_version
The following code is from examples/show_version.py
Simple demonstrator that gets modem version
Accesses first GNSS modem registered with gpsd daemon.
Run as module from project root:
python3 -m examples.show_version
import logging
from ubxlib.server import GnssUBlox
from ubxlib.ubx_mon_ver import UbxMonVerPoll
FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger('ubxlib')
# Create UBX library
ubx = GnssUBlox()
# Poll version from modem
poll_version = UbxMonVerPoll()
res = ubx.poll(poll_version)
if res:
# Simple print of received answer frame
print(f'Received answer from modem\n{res}')
# Can also access fields of UbxMonVer via .f member
print(f'SW Version: {res.f.swVersion}')
print(f'HW Version: {res.f.hwVersion}')
print('no answer from modem')
The following code is from examples/set_timepulse_m9.py
NEO-M9 sample code to configure timepulse
- Unlocked: 1 kHz, 50% duty cycle
- Locked: 1 kHz, 25% duty cycle
Run as module from project root:
python3 -m examples.set_timepulse_m9
import logging
from ubxlib.server_tty import GnssUBlox # TTY direct backend
from ubxlib.cfgkeys import UbxKeyId, CfgKeyValues
from ubxlib.ubx_cfg_valset import UbxCfgValSetAction
FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger('ubxlib')
# Create UBX library, assumes 115'200 bps when using TTY backend
ubx = GnssUBlox('/dev/gnss0')
# Define configuration,
# Set key = value pairs
# Convert them to a list of CfgKeyData items for UbxCfgValSetAction()
cfg_keyvals = CfgKeyValues.from_keyvalues([
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_TP2_ENA, True), # TP enabled
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_PULSE_DEF, 0), # Specify pulse interval in us
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_PULSE_LENGTH_DEF, 1), # Specify pulse lengths in us
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_POL_TP2, 1), # Rising edge at top of second
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_TIMEGRID_TP2, 1), # Lock to GPS time
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_ALIGN_TO_TOW_TP2, True), # Align pulse to top of seconds
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_PERIOD_TP2, 1000), # 1000 us = 1 kHz
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_LEN_TP2, 500), # 50% duty cycle
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_USE_LOCKED_TP2, True), # Use following settings when locked
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_PERIOD_LOCK_TP2, 1000), # 1000 us = 1 kHz
(UbxKeyId.CFG_TP_LEN_LOCK_TP2, 250), # 25% duty cycle]
# Create CFG-VALSET message with the configuration key/values
cfg_setval = UbxCfgValSetAction(cfg_keyvals)
# Post message and check ACK/NAK result
ack_nak = ubx.set(cfg_setval)
print(ack_nak) # Just print result, no further check