- Tax is implemented with the assumption, tax is same across the country
- Unique id that is exposed via API is auto generated. But hardcoding this since there is no listing API
- Not using the request location data to identify the requesting country and filter resluts by country
- H2 Database used for the test to run code quickly
- Added Unit Test for controller which can be executed via IDE
- >mvn spring-boot:run : to run independently
$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/course/price/eb01803e-0a8c-4a10-bfce-4cabbea90944" -H "accept: */*"
Swagger UI has been added to the code to directly hit the endpoints without the use of a separate application.
For embedded tomcat the url is http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/