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Importing Data

Michael Brown edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Importing data

Binner currently supports importing of your data from CSV, Excel or SQL insert file formats. Import/Export is located on the Home page.

Import/Export page

You can import files used previously by an export operation, or create your own file to use as an import source.

CSV File Format

A header should be present in the CSV for best results.

1,3,10,0,"LM358","","","",14,1,"","","","","",0,"","","Vancouver","1","2","","",0,2023-03-12 03:14:48

Excel File Format

An excel file should have separate worksheet for each data type you are importing. To get an example of the data format, which is similar to the CSV format, try exporting some sample data from Binner.

SQL File Format

A sql file should contain insert statements for each data type you are importing.


INSERT INTO Parts ("PartId", "Quantity", "LowStockThreshold", "Cost", "PartNumber", "DigiKeyPartNumber", "MouserPartNumber", "Description", "PartTypeId", "MountingTypeId", "PackageType", "ProductUrl", "ImageUrl", "LowestCostSupplier", "LowestCostSupplierUrl", "ProjectId", "Keywords", "DatasheetUrl", "Location", "BinNumber", "BinNumber2", "Manufacturer", "ManufacturerPartNumber", "UserId", "DateCreatedUtc") VALUES(1, 3, 10, 0, 'LM358', '', '', '', 14, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 'Vancouver', '1', '2', '', '', 0, '2023-03-12 03:14:48');