Release v2023.01.03-0
v2023.01.03-0 (2023-01-03)
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 in /.github/actions/import-external-addons #3904
- chore(deps): bump mheap/github-action-required-labels from 2 to 3 #3903
- chore(deps): bump with fix from 1.9.3 to 1.10.0 #3898
- chore: fix go mod unknown revision #3897
- chore: fix longhorn generate script by skipping version 1.2.6 #3895
- fix testgrid k8s119_ctrd_longhorn-airgap targeting 20.04 #3894
- fix airgap testgrid k8s121-airgap by upgrading valero version #3893
- chore: added missing quote to echo command #3890
- EKCO disable mutating webhook on Rook upgrade #3888
- fix: preflight check which verifies if docker is or not supported #3887
- Fix rook to longhorn migration regression #3885
- Rook add-on ceph image version mismatch - should be v16.2.7 #3884
- Wait for pgs to scale down before proceeding with upgrade #3883
- Rook upgrade airgap fixes #3882
- chore: adding tests for kube 1.26 #3880
- Mkdir assets package path if not exists #3879
- Automated Kubernetes version update 1.26.0 1.25.5 1.24.9 1.23.15 1.22.17 #3878
- feat: adding kubernetes 1.26 support #3876
- Fix nodes-missing-images loop closure may report incorrect nodes #3875
- update label for troubleshoot/918 #3874
- Pin Rook upgrades to 1.7.x as greatest #3873
- Revert "fix: add --allowerasing flag to allow remove conflicts" #3872
- chore: using rebuilt s3cmd image #3871
- feat: ask permission to allow remove docker in new installs to avoid … #3870
- chore(deps): bump from 0.49.1 to 0.50.0 #3869
- Automated Sonobuoy version update 0.56.14 #3868
- fix: add --allowerasing flag to allow remove conflicts #3866
- Revert "fix(centos|rhel|ol): allow allowerasing previous packages installed when conflicts are faced with yum install" #3865
- Set correct cephfs pool replication on upgrades - 1.6.11 #3864
- Automated Containerd version update 1.6.14 #3863
- Wait longer for device_health_metrics pool to scale #3861
- Set correct cephfs pool replication on upgrades from 1.0.4 #3860
- Scale device_health_metrics pool for multi node cluster during rook upgrade #3859
- fix(centos|rhel|ol): allow allowerasing previous packages installed when conflicts are faced with yum install #3858
- wait for an OSD to be marked as safe-to-destroy 3x over 2s before destroying it #3857
- bug: use mon actual count rather than preferred count #3856
- Rook upgrade testgrid assume yes and download necessary airgap packages #3855
- Use kustomize bases rather than resources for k8s <= 1.20 #3854
- Remove lint and vet from kurl_util #3853
- feat: upgrade k8s and kurl-kind dependencies from 1.25 to 1.26 #3852
- Bug fix operator reduces mon count when upgrading to Rook 1.1 #3851
- Fix rook upgrade tasks #3850
- Automated EKCO version update 0.26.2 #3849
- Automated Contour version update 1.23.2 #3848
- Automated Sonobuoy version update 0.56.13 #3847
- feat: (for ubuntu) check status and try to fix broken dependency automatically #3844
- chore(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 #3841
- fix: error to install that conflicts with containerd because an containerd pkg installed within docker (only for new installs) #3839
- bug: take only "default" namespace into account (OpenEBS check) #3837
- feat: warning when docker be installed that it is deprecated for k8s versions >= 1.20 #3834
- Explicitly Set HAProxy Config file Permission #3832
- Support upgrading Rook multiple versions up to the latest #3787
- Run Node Disk and Volume Validation Checks when Upgrading from Rook to OpenEBS #3767
- Automated MinIO version update RELEASE.2022-12-12T19-27-27Z #3612
- fix golang lint errors shown on github PRs #2983