Release v2023.01.23-0
v2023.01.23-0 (2023-01-23)
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1 #3979
- Automated MinIO version update RELEASE.2023-01-20T02-05-44Z #3974
- fix(kurl_util): allow bash flags values to contain an equals sign #3969
- Rook: race condition when scaling down prometheuses statefulset #3968
- Add metrics-server 0.6.2 #3967
- Automated MinIO version update RELEASE.2023-01-18T04-36-38Z #3965
- check that flannel images are present on remote nodes in airgap #3963
- Fix rook templating error #3962
- add kurl_machine_uuid reporting, remove redundant/unused machine_id reporting #3960
- fix: debug print all arguments #3959
- chore(deps): bump from 0.53.0 to 0.54.0 #3958
- fix: create .kube/config for all installs #3957
- fix(ci/cd): create release notes after all build jobs complete #3956
- Revert "chore(ci): Temporarily disable checking Testgrid" #3955
- Automated MinIO version update RELEASE.2023-01-12T02-06-16Z #3954
- Revert "feat(ci/cd): Checkout main branch for copy-staging-release-to-prod job" #3949
- Allow upgrading Rook past version 1.7.11 #3936
- Multi-node weave to flannel #3920
- feat: support migrating from longhorn to rook ceph #3919