Release v2023.02.16-0
v2023.02.16-0 (2023-02-16)
Merged pull requests:
- testgrid : daily cronjob cleanup #4109
- testgrid: Update reference to have the commit #4108
- kurl_cluster_uuid should have been kurl-cluster-uuid #4107
- kurl_cluster_uuid should have been kurl-cluster-uuid #4106
- remove the use of uuidgen, as it is not always present #4100
- cronjob: Small typo fix replace " with ' #4099
- chore: Update daily cronjob to create test with commit ref #4098
- chore:update dependencies and kurlkind #4097
- Report kurl_cluster_uuid to make it possible to tie runs on different instances in a cluster together #4093
- fix disk latency preflight message #4092
- Update cronjob daily to start at 1:00 instead of 05:00 #4091
- simplify reporting code by deduplicating the main report curl #4090
- chore: enable push and pull tests for longhorn migration. #4089
- chore: add minio and registry to longhorn to rook/openebs testgrids #4088
- remove PR label enforcement workflow #4087
- chore:update image used to package krew #4086
- chore: update image used to package helm #4085
- chore: fix lint-fix makefile target #4084
- chore(deps): bump from 0.55.0 to 0.57.1 #4083
- chore(deps): bump from 0.14.2 to 0.14.4 #4082
- chore(deps): bump from 0.60.1 to 0.63.0 #4081
- chore(deps): bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 #4080
- Automated MinIO version update RELEASE.2023-02-10T18-48-39Z #4079
- fix: kubelet pause image gets garbage collected, does not match containerd sandbox image #4077
- adds new command to get hostname as it is done by k8s api to use it crosswise #4074
- feat: preparing longhorn for migration. #4073
- check available disk space before performing rook upgrade #4069