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Labels after calls, call GC points and checkbound points (again) (oca…
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mshinwell authored Jul 6, 2016
1 parent 3305a15 commit c843ca0
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Showing 49 changed files with 576 additions and 467 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions asmcomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ method class_of_operation op =
| Imove | Ispill | Ireload -> assert false (* treated specially *)
| Iconst_int _ | Iconst_float _ | Iconst_symbol _
| Iconst_blockheader _ -> Op_pure
| Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_ind | Itailcall_imm _
| Icall_ind _ | Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_ind _ | Itailcall_imm _
| Iextcall _ -> assert false (* treated specially *)
| Istackoffset _ -> Op_other
| Iload(_,_) -> Op_load
| Istore(_,_,asg) -> Op_store asg
| Ialloc _ -> assert false (* treated specially *)
| Iintop(Icheckbound) -> Op_checkbound
| Iintop(Icheckbound _) -> Op_checkbound
| Iintop _ -> Op_pure
| Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, _) -> Op_checkbound
| Iintop_imm(Icheckbound _, _) -> Op_checkbound
| Iintop_imm(_, _) -> Op_pure
| Inegf | Iabsf | Iaddf | Isubf | Imulf | Idivf
| Ifloatofint | Iintoffloat -> Op_pure
Expand All @@ -255,15 +255,15 @@ method private kill_loads n =

method private cse n i =
match i.desc with
| Iend | Ireturn | Iop(Itailcall_ind) | Iop(Itailcall_imm _)
| Iend | Ireturn | Iop(Itailcall_ind _) | Iop(Itailcall_imm _)
| Iexit _ | Iraise _ ->
| Iop (Imove | Ispill | Ireload) ->
(* For moves, we associate the same value number to the result reg
as to the argument reg. *)
let n1 = set_move n i.arg.(0) i.res.(0) in
{i with next = self#cse n1}
| Iop (Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall _) ->
| Iop (Icall_ind _ | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall _) ->
(* For function calls, we should at least forget:
- equations involving memory loads, since the callee can
perform arbitrary memory stores;
Expand Down
63 changes: 35 additions & 28 deletions asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,8 +243,12 @@ let addressing addr typ i n =

(* Record live pointers at call points -- see Emitaux *)

let record_frame_label live dbg =
let lbl = new_label() in
let record_frame_label ?label live dbg =
let lbl =
match label with
| None -> new_label()
| Some label -> label
let live_offset = ref [] in
Expand All @@ -264,8 +268,8 @@ let record_frame_label live dbg =
fd_debuginfo = dbg } :: !frame_descriptors;

let record_frame live dbg =
let lbl = record_frame_label live dbg in
let record_frame ?label live dbg =
let lbl = record_frame_label ?label live dbg in
def_label lbl

(* Record calls to the GC -- we've moved them out of the way *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,10 +298,10 @@ type bound_error_call =
let bound_error_sites = ref ([] : bound_error_call list)
let bound_error_call = ref 0

let bound_error_label dbg =
let bound_error_label ?label dbg =
if !Clflags.debug then begin
let lbl_bound_error = new_label() in
let lbl_frame = record_frame_label Reg.Set.empty dbg in
let lbl_frame = record_frame_label ?label Reg.Set.empty dbg in
bound_error_sites :=
{ bd_lbl = lbl_bound_error; bd_frame = lbl_frame } :: !bound_error_sites;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,32 +486,32 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i =
| Lop(Iconst_symbol s) ->
add_used_symbol s;
load_symbol_addr s (res i 0)
| Lop(Icall_ind) ->
| Lop(Icall_ind { label_after; }) -> (arg i 0);
record_frame i.dbg
| Lop(Icall_imm s) ->
add_used_symbol s;
emit_call s;
record_frame i.dbg
| Lop(Itailcall_ind) ->
record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after
| Lop(Icall_imm { func; label_after; }) ->
add_used_symbol func;
emit_call func;
record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after
| Lop(Itailcall_ind { label_after = _; }) ->
output_epilogue begin fun () -> (arg i 0)
| Lop(Itailcall_imm s) ->
if s = !function_name then
| Lop(Itailcall_imm { func; label_after = _; }) ->
if func = !function_name then (label !tailrec_entry_point)
else begin
output_epilogue begin fun () ->
add_used_symbol s;
emit_jump s
add_used_symbol func;
emit_jump func
| Lop(Iextcall(s, alloc)) ->
add_used_symbol s;
| Lop(Iextcall { func; alloc; label_after; }) ->
add_used_symbol func;
if alloc then begin
load_symbol_addr s rax;
load_symbol_addr func rax;
emit_call "caml_c_call";
record_frame i.dbg;
record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after;
if system <> S_win64 then begin
(* TODO: investigate why such a diff.
This comes from:
Expand All @@ -520,7 +524,7 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i = (mem64 QWORD 0 R11) r15
end else
emit_call s
emit_call func
| Lop(Istackoffset n) ->
if n < 0
then I.add (int (-n)) rsp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,7 +571,7 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i =
| Double | Double_u ->
I.movsd (arg i 0) (addressing addr REAL8 i 1)
| Lop(Ialloc n) ->
| Lop(Ialloc { words = n; label_after_call_gc; }) ->
if !fastcode_flag then begin
let lbl_redo = new_label() in
def_label lbl_redo;
Expand All @@ -594,7 +598,10 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i = (int n) rax;
emit_call "caml_allocN"
record_frame Debuginfo.none;
let label =
record_frame_label ?label:label_after_call_gc Debuginfo.none
def_label label;
I.lea (mem64 NONE 8 R15) (res i 0)
| Lop(Iintop(Icomp cmp)) ->
Expand All @@ -605,12 +612,12 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i =
I.cmp (int n) (arg i 0);
I.set (cond cmp) al;
I.movzx al (res i 0)
| Lop(Iintop Icheckbound) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label i.dbg in
| Lop(Iintop (Icheckbound { label_after_error; } )) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label ?label:label_after_error i.dbg in
I.cmp (arg i 1) (arg i 0);
I.jbe (label lbl)
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, n)) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label i.dbg in
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Icheckbound { label_after_error; }, n)) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label ?label:label_after_error i.dbg in
I.cmp (int n) (arg i 0);
I.jbe (label lbl)
| Lop(Iintop(Idiv | Imod)) ->
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions asmcomp/amd64/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,8 +263,9 @@ let destroyed_at_c_call =

let destroyed_at_oper = function
Iop(Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall(_, true)) -> all_phys_regs
| Iop(Iextcall(_, false)) -> destroyed_at_c_call
Iop(Icall_ind _ | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall { alloc = true; }) ->
| Iop(Iextcall { alloc = false; }) -> destroyed_at_c_call
| Iop(Iintop(Idiv | Imod)) | Iop(Iintop_imm((Idiv | Imod), _))
-> [| rax; rdx |]
| Iop(Istore(Single, _, _)) -> [| rxmm15 |]
Expand All @@ -285,11 +286,11 @@ let destroyed_at_raise = all_phys_regs

let safe_register_pressure = function
Iextcall(_,_) -> if win64 then if fp then 7 else 8 else 0
Iextcall _ -> if win64 then if fp then 7 else 8 else 0
| _ -> if fp then 10 else 11

let max_register_pressure = function
Iextcall(_, _) ->
Iextcall _ ->
if win64 then
if fp then [| 7; 10 |] else [| 8; 10 |]
Expand All @@ -306,9 +307,9 @@ let max_register_pressure = function
registers). *)

let op_is_pure = function
| Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_ind | Itailcall_imm _
| Icall_ind _ | Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_ind _ | Itailcall_imm _
| Iextcall _ | Istackoffset _ | Istore _ | Ialloc _
| Iintop(Icheckbound) | Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, _) -> false
| Iintop(Icheckbound _) | Iintop_imm(Icheckbound _, _) -> false
| Ispecific(Ilea _) -> true
| Ispecific _ -> false
| _ -> true
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion asmcomp/amd64/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ inherit Reloadgen.reload_generic as super

method! reload_operation op arg res =
match op with
| Iintop(Iadd|Isub|Iand|Ior|Ixor|Icomp _|Icheckbound) ->
| Iintop(Iadd|Isub|Iand|Ior|Ixor|Icomp _|Icheckbound _) ->
(* One of the two arguments can reside in the stack, but not both *)
if stackp arg.(0) && stackp arg.(1)
then ([|arg.(0); self#makereg arg.(1)|], res)
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions asmcomp/amd64/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ method is_immediate_natint n = n <= 0x7FFFFFFFn && n >= -0x80000000n

method! is_simple_expr e =
match e with
| Cop(Cextcall(fn, _, _, _), args)
| Cop(Cextcall (fn, _, _, _, _), args)
when List.mem fn inline_ops ->
(* inlined ops are simple if their arguments are *)
List.for_all self#is_simple_expr args
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ method! select_operation op args =
self#select_floatarith true Imulf Ifloatmul args
| Cdivf ->
self#select_floatarith false Idivf Ifloatdiv args
| Cextcall("sqrt", _, false, _) ->
| Cextcall("sqrt", _, false, _, _) ->
begin match args with
[Cop(Cload (Double|Double_u as chunk), [loc])] ->
let (addr, arg) = self#select_addressing chunk loc in
Expand All @@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ method! select_operation op args =
| _ ->
super#select_operation op args
| Cextcall("caml_bswap16_direct", _, _, _) ->
| Cextcall("caml_bswap16_direct", _, _, _, _) ->
(Ispecific (Ibswap 16), args)
| Cextcall("caml_int32_direct_bswap", _, _, _) ->
| Cextcall("caml_int32_direct_bswap", _, _, _, _) ->
(Ispecific (Ibswap 32), args)
| Cextcall("caml_int64_direct_bswap", _, _, _)
| Cextcall("caml_nativeint_direct_bswap", _, _, _) ->
| Cextcall("caml_int64_direct_bswap", _, _, _, _)
| Cextcall("caml_nativeint_direct_bswap", _, _, _, _) ->
(Ispecific (Ibswap 64), args)
(* AMD64 does not support immediate operands for multiply high signed *)
| Cmulhi ->
Expand Down
60 changes: 33 additions & 27 deletions asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,8 +102,12 @@ let emit_addressing addr r n =

(* Record live pointers at call points *)

let record_frame_label live dbg =
let lbl = new_label() in
let record_frame_label ?label live dbg =
let lbl =
match label with
| None -> new_label()
| Some label -> label
let live_offset = ref [] in
Expand All @@ -122,8 +126,8 @@ let record_frame_label live dbg =
fd_debuginfo = dbg } :: !frame_descriptors;

let record_frame live dbg =
let lbl = record_frame_label live dbg in `{emit_label lbl}:`
let record_frame ?label live dbg =
let lbl = record_frame_label ?label live dbg in `{emit_label lbl}:`

(* Record calls to the GC -- we've moved them out of the way *)

Expand All @@ -148,10 +152,10 @@ type bound_error_call =

let bound_error_sites = ref ([] : bound_error_call list)

let bound_error_label dbg =
let bound_error_label ?label dbg =
if !Clflags.debug || !bound_error_sites = [] then begin
let lbl_bound_error = new_label() in
let lbl_frame = record_frame_label Reg.Set.empty dbg in
let lbl_frame = record_frame_label ?label Reg.Set.empty dbg in
bound_error_sites :=
{ bd_lbl = lbl_bound_error;
bd_frame_lbl = lbl_frame } :: !bound_error_sites;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,40 +442,40 @@ let emit_instr i =
end; 1
| Lop(Iconst_symbol s) ->
emit_load_symbol_addr i.res.(0) s
| Lop(Icall_ind) ->
| Lop(Icall_ind { label_after; }) ->
if !arch >= ARMv5 then begin
` blx {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
`{record_frame i.dbg}\n`; 1
`{record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after}\n`; 1
end else begin
` mov lr, pc\n`;
` bx {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
`{record_frame i.dbg}\n`; 2
`{record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after}\n`; 2
| Lop(Icall_imm s) ->
` {emit_call s}\n`;
`{record_frame i.dbg}\n`; 1
| Lop(Itailcall_ind) ->
| Lop(Icall_imm { func; label_after; }) ->
` {emit_call func}\n`;
`{record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after}\n`; 1
| Lop(Itailcall_ind { label_after = _; }) ->
output_epilogue begin fun () ->
if !contains_calls then
` ldr lr, [sp, #{emit_int (-4)}]\n`;
` bx {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`; 2
| Lop(Itailcall_imm s) ->
if s = !function_name then begin
| Lop(Itailcall_imm { func; label_after = _; }) ->
if func = !function_name then begin
` b {emit_label !tailrec_entry_point}\n`; 1
end else begin
output_epilogue begin fun () ->
if !contains_calls then
` ldr lr, [sp, #{emit_int (-4)}]\n`;
` {emit_jump s}\n`; 2
` {emit_jump func}\n`; 2
| Lop(Iextcall(s, false)) ->
` {emit_call s}\n`; 1
| Lop(Iextcall(s, true)) ->
let ninstr = emit_load_symbol_addr (phys_reg 7 (* r7 *)) s in
| Lop(Iextcall { func; alloc = false; }) ->
` {emit_call func}\n`; 1
| Lop(Iextcall { func; alloc = true; label_after; }) ->
let ninstr = emit_load_symbol_addr (phys_reg 7 (* r7 *)) func in
` {emit_call "caml_c_call"}\n`;
`{record_frame i.dbg}\n`;
`{record_frame i.dbg ~label:label_after}\n`;
1 + ninstr
| Lop(Istackoffset n) ->
assert (n mod 8 = 0);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -541,8 +545,10 @@ let emit_instr i =
| Double_u -> "fstd"
| _ (* 32-bit quantities *) -> "str" in
` {emit_string instr} {emit_reg r}, {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`; 1
| Lop(Ialloc n) ->
let lbl_frame = record_frame_label i.dbg in
| Lop(Ialloc { words = n; label_after_call_gc; }) ->
let lbl_frame =
record_frame_label i.dbg ?label:label_after_call_gc
if !fastcode_flag then begin
let lbl_redo = new_label() in
`{emit_label lbl_redo}:`;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,12 +591,12 @@ let emit_instr i =
` ite {emit_string compthen}\n`;
` mov{emit_string compthen} {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, #1\n`;
` mov{emit_string compelse} {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, #0\n`; 4
| Lop(Iintop Icheckbound) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label i.dbg in
| Lop(Iintop (Icheckbound { label_after_error; } )) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label ?label:label_after_error i.dbg in
` cmp {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_reg i.arg.(1)}\n`;
` bls {emit_label lbl}\n`; 2
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, n)) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label i.dbg in
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Icheckbound { label_after_error; }, n)) ->
let lbl = bound_error_label ?label:label_after_error i.dbg in
` cmp {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, #{emit_int n}\n`;
` bls {emit_label lbl}\n`; 2
| Lop(Ispecific(Ishiftcheckbound(shiftop, n))) ->
Expand Down

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