This is the demo project for APIs of Restbird
To run the project
- Download Restbird docker
docker pull restbird/rest
- Start Restbird docker and mapping this project directory as Restbird working directory
docker run -ti --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --net host -v {path-to-project}:/data/restbird restbird/rest
Open your browser to access http://{host-ip}:8080/ , use default user admin/admin to login.
Enter "Rest Project", "Mockserver" and "Task" menu, and test run all APIs directly. You can also download Restbird Debugger VSCode extension to debug test scripts through VSCode.
The default host is set to, so all APIs will request the docker's localhost:8080 which is the listening prot inside container.
Rest Project
Demo_Rest : Demo project of rest APIs, script written in Golang and Python
- Rest_Golang
- Rest_Python
Restbird API : Contains all Restful APIs of Restbird
- MockServer
- RestProject
- Task
Mock Server : Demo project of Mock Server, script written in Golang, Javascript and Python
- Demo
- Hello_GoLang
- Hello_JS
- Hello_Python
- Demo
Task : Demo project of Task, script written in Golang and Python
- Demo_Task_Golang
- Demo_Task_Python