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Mathieu Guindon edited this page Feb 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

Inspection: ObsoleteCommentSyntaxInspection

Description: Use of obsolete Rem comment syntax

Type: CodeInspectionType.LanguageOpportunities

Default severity: CodeInspectionSeverity.Suggestion

This inspection finds comments that are marked by a Rem instruction.


Parameter foo is implicitly passed ByRef in this method signature:

Dim foo As Integer : Rem this is a comment
Rem this is a comment 

The Rem instruction exists in VBA only for backward compatibility reasons. New code should use a single quote (') to denote comments.


QuickFix: Replace 'Rem' usage with a single-quote comment marker

Dim foo As Integer ' this is a comment
' this is a comment

This quickfix replaces Rem by a single quote character. It also removes the would-now-be superfluous instruction separator token (:) that precedes a Rem comment that would be following an instruction on the same line of code.