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Mathieu Guindon edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 1 revision

The Todo Explorer will search your code looking for special comments and display them for you. Double-clicking on any item in the list will jump you to that line of code.

Out of the box, Rubber duck looks for the following three comments:


The search is not case sensitive, but spelling will obviously matter.

The comment markers are configurable and stored in the Rubberduck.config file that is installed along with the add-in to the C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Rubberduck\ directory.

Todo Markers can be added, changed, or removed through the Settings Dialog by going to Rubberduck >> Options.

menu bar

Todo List Settings Dialog

Advanced users may also directly modify the rubberduck.config file.

    <ToDoMarker Text="NOTE:" Priority="Low" />
    <ToDoMarker Text="TODO:" Priority="Normal" />
    <ToDoMarker Text="BUG:" Priority="High" />
    <ToDoMarker Text="HACK:" Priority="Normal" />

Note: While the case of the Text is unimportant, the case of the XML attributes matters. Anything other than Text and Priority will cause issues with parsing the comments. The only valid values for priority are "Low", "Normal", and "High".