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Christopher McClellan edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 31 revisions


The source control library not only gives you the ability to interact with Git repositories by cloning, branching, committing, pushing, etc., but also takes care of the ugly business of getting your code modules into and out of your VBA Project for you.

It is recommended that you not pass the Active VBProject to the SourceControlProvider. It becomes a race condition of sorts where you're actively modifying the very code that is currently executing.

The API is a beta at this point and still subject to change.

Example usage of the API:

Dim factory As New Rubberduck.SourceControlClassFactory
Dim repo As Rubberduck.IRepository
Dim git As ISourceControlProvider

Dim xl As New Excel.Application
xl.Visible = true
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook

Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Path\to\workbook.xlsm")

' create class instances to work with
Set repo = factory.CreateRepository(wb.VBProject.Name, "C:\Path\to\local\repository\SourceControlTest", "")
Set git = factory.CreateGitProvider(wb.VBProject, repo, "userName", "passWord")

' Create new branch to modify.
git.CreateBranch "NewBranchName"

' It is automatically checked out.
Debug.Print "Current Branch: " & git.CurrentBranch

' add a new standard (.bas) code module and a comment to that file
wb.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule).CodeModule.AddFromString "' Hello There"

' add any new files to tracking
Dim fileStat As Rubberduck.FileStatusEntry
For Each fileStat In git.Status
    If fileStat.Status = Rubberduck.FileStatus.Added Then
        git.AddFile fileStat.FilePath
    End If

git.Commit "commit all modified files" 

' Revert the last commit, throwing away the changes we just made.


##SourceControlClassFactory ###Methods

Name Returns Remarks
CreateGitProvider A new GitProvider of type ISourceControlProvider. Repository must be supplied if also passing user credentials.
CreateGitProvider(VBProject project, [Optional] IRepository repository, [Optional] string userName, [Optional] string passWord)

##ISourceControlProvider ###Members ###Methods


