This project is a prototype that uses Google Assistant to automatically control the brightness and temperature of Google Assistant connected lights during dawn and dusk. This project is a similar concept to f.lux but for smart lights in your house.
The algorithm uses a sine function so that transitions start and end slowly, and are quicker half way between start/end of sunrise/sunset. This algorithm is likely inaccurate to how the light curve really works.
Due to the limit of 500 requests per day to the Google Assistant API, during dawn/dusk the lights will only be updated once per minute - so you may notice some slight colour/brightness changes.
- Install portaudio
apt install libportaudio2
- Create a new Python 3.6+ virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source ./venv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
First follow the following two sections:-
Next copy your OAuth2 client secret json file in to the credentials directory of this repo and run:-
$ cd credentials
$ google-oauthlib-tool --save --headless --scope --credentials ./credentials.json --client-secrets client_secret_whatever.json
Next modify the file to match your local settings, the LATITUDE
should be as close to where your lights are located as possible - Google Maps can give you the GPS coordinates of your address if required.
Update the CITY/COUNTRY/TIMEZONE to match your location as well.
Finally make sure the LIGHT_NAME
is correct for your light/light group. If, for example, you say Hey Google, turn on the bedroom light
then the LIGHT_NAME
is bedroom light
It's important that the machine running the script correctly has the local timezone configured, and the time is synchronized (With NTP)
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
There is no systemd unit or daemon for this project yet - I've just been running it inside tmux
$ tmux
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
$ python