This is a solution to the Time tracking dashboard challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Switch between viewing Daily, Weekly, and Monthly stats
Extended requirements:
- User should be able to switch between Dark and Light theme mode
- UI theme should be initialized based on the user's system preferences
- User should be able to reset the current streak on the selected period
- User should be able to reset the previous streak on the selected period
- User should be able to reset the whole streak on the selected period
Dark theme
Light theme
- Live Site URL:
- Solution URL:
- Vite - build tool
- React - components
- Typescript - types
- TailwindCSS - styles
- Redux Toolkit - state management
- usehook-ts - hooks
- Desktop-first workflow
What I learned:
- how to implement React dot notation pattern for reusable components
- how to use Redux Toolkit to implement state management
- practice Typescript
- how to implement dark/light mode switch using React and TailwindCSS
- how to implement custom animations using TailwindCSS
- how to implement styles considering motion and appearance user settings
- how to implement delay in fetch requests
Concepts I am still not completely comfortable with or techniques I found useful that I want to refine and perfect:
- reusable components best practices
- accessibility best practices
- Redux Toolkit Quick Start - Great official Redux Toolkit quick start tutorial
- prefers-reduced-motion: Sometimes less movement is more - Great article about why reducing motion is important and how to implement it
- How to Create Dark/Light Mode with React (Tailwind Styling) - Article which helped me to understand how to implement theme switch
- Class detection in-depth - Tailwind official docs explaining how to work with dynamic classes