An updated and enhanced version of the Agentuino ( SNMP library.
Encoding updates referenced from Ruby-SNMP (
Example requires LinkedList library: Please note iostream issue: ivanseidel/LinkedList#48
July 5 2021 Update: The example agent is fairly memory intensive (~3000 bytes). If you plan to use this on a device with less memory then I suggest you learn to use the library on a MEGA 2560 then modify the example until it will fit. Moving the OIDs into PROGMEM is a good place to start.
February 7 2018 Update: I've added the latest version of this library as well as a real world agent implementation (Example/Actual_SNMP_Agent). I'll try to answer any questions posted to the issues list. It's been a while since I've needed to work on this library so I'm not sure how accurate the information below is.
Receiving an SNMP Message, Processing it, Responding:
SNMP_API_STAT_CODES _api_status;
SNMP_PDU _pdu;
char _oid[SNMP_MAX_OID_LEN];
//SNMP.listen() should be called often. Typically from Arduino's loop().
if(SNMP.listen() == true){
_api_status = SNMP.requestPdu(&_pdu,NULL,0);
if(_api_status != SNMP_API_STAT_SUCCESS || _pdu.error != SNMP_ERR_NO_ERROR){
//Message can not be processed.
memset(_oid, '\0', SNMP_MAX_OID_LEN);
//We only process GET and SET
if(_pdu.type == SNMP_PDU_GET || _pdu.type == SNMP_PDU_SET){
//do something based on OID of the message
if(strcmp_P(_oid,MIB2_SYS_DESC) == 0){
if(_pdu.type == SNMP_PDU_SET){
_pdu.error = SNMP_ERR_READ_ONLY;
_status = _pdu.value.encode(SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS, big_buffer);
_pdu.error = _status;
_pdu.error = SNMP_ERR_NO_SUCH_NAME;
//invalid message type
_pdu.error = SNMP_ERR_GEN_ERROR;
//Send the response.
if(!(_api_status == SNMP_API_STAT_NO_SUCH_NAME || _api_status == SNMP_API_STAT_PACKET_INVALID)){
//temp_buffer = byte array that can be used to hold data for processing.
//Cuts down on the amount of memory required exclusively for ArduinoSNMP.
byte temp_buffer[100];
_pdu.type = SNMP_PDU_RESPONSE;
if(_pdu.error != SNMP_ERR_NO_ERROR){
SNMP.responsePdu(&_pdu, SNMP.remoteIP(), SNMP.remotePort(),temp_buffer);
//clear _pdu
Sending a Trap:
SNMP_PDU _pdu;
SNMP_VALUE _value;
_pdu.value.OID.fromString_P(your_trap_oid);//trap oid
//encode data and append it to PDUs value
_pdu.value.size = 0;
//Value 1
_value.OID.fromString_P(PSTR("YOUR_DATA_OID_HERE"));//OID of the value type being sent
_value.encode(SNMP_SYNTAX_INT, 10);//Sending an integer value of 10
_pdu.value.size = _pdu.add_data(&_value);
//Value 2
_value.OID.fromString_P(PSTR("YOUR_DATA_OID_HERE"));//OID of the value type being sent
_value.encode(SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS, "Hi There");//Send a character array
_pdu.value.size = g_pdu.add_data(&g_value);
//send it