Planets Fact Size is a Frontendmentor Project created with ReactJS and CSS.
It's been a while since my last project due to some vacations and I wanted to create this one project without the help of any type of library or framework other than React ofc.
I just wanted to review react basics since my next project is going to be done with Next.js and probably Sass or styled Components and other libraries out there.
So for this project I used Json file to pull the info. This was pretty neat since my major concern when I grabbed this one project was how to create one single component for every planet.
Responsiveness was the hardest part since I wanted to avoid using libraries or custom hooks created by others than me.
In conclusion it was a great project to get going with the basics after so much challenges, courses, vacations and work interferences. This is my first trully project uploaded to github, probably I'll upload my vanilla JS games one day but for now I'm good :).
I can't share Figma's file since is not mine but I'll leave free screenshots to see how the final version should look like (and ofc it does :P).