Radar is a SDR software which uses ambiguity function which is usually it is called passive radar. This is C# code, created with use of VS2022 for Windows 11 64bit The program uses MonoGame framework for graphisc The program uses CATALOG for multiple dongle suport, created by Joanne If you want to play with ambiguity function for NVIDIA you have to see the directory ambiguity and install CUDA tolkit https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit There is also AMD version of fast ambiguity function byt at the moment is not compatibile with this new Radar version and not as strong optymised as MVIDIA The exe file is SDRdue but to start the software correctly first you have to activete SDR dongle The main program is Radar
Please read how to get two dongles
The program can works with only one dongel!!! Try to use DVB frequencies for the best performance 2.4Mbs