Given the provided data, create a node or nodes that detects when one or both encoders are faulty. Publish "false" to the "status" topic when a fault is present.
To use the provided example, try the following instructions:
- Install ROS Hydro from the instructions at Ubuntu is highly recommended
- Open a terminal and enter the following commands to create a "Catkin" workspace
cd ~
source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
mkdir -p challenge_ws/src && cd challenge_ws
catkin_init_workspace src
echo "source ~/challenge_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
- Copy the motor_challenge repository into ~/challenge_ws/src/
roscd && cd ..
(note that catkin_make was run twice)
- At this point, the code should compile. Run it with:
roslaunch motor_challenge motor_challenge.launch
Some parameters of the "robot" used to generate the data can be found in the motor_challenge.launch file.
A bag file containing sample data (with encoder faults) can be found in motor_challenge/bags/ and can be played back using the "rosbag" utility.