- Find the maximum covering points of two fixed-size circle
- Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm
- For searching the optimal center points of the two circles
- 5-bit LFSR (a pseudo-random number generator)
- For the control of possibility used in SA algorithm
- For example, we can simulate the possibility of 50% by dividing the number (0 to 31) into two group. If the number generated is greater than 15, then it is considered passed, otherwise failed.
- Synthesis result:
- Cell library: Cell-Based Design Kit for IC Contest (Artisan TSMC 0.13µm Process)
- Area:
Report : area
Design : LASER
Version: R-2020.09
Date : Wed Jun 7 22:38:48 2023
Library(s) Used:
slow (File: /home/eda/CBDK_IC_Contest_v2.1/SynopsysDC/db/slow.db)
Number of ports: 27
Number of nets: 1563
Number of cells: 1549
Number of combinational cells: 1147
Number of sequential cells: 402
Number of macros/black boxes: 0
Number of buf/inv: 179
Number of references: 90
Combinational area: 10225.137453
Buf/Inv area: 1118.586604
Noncombinational area: 10313.402578
Macro/Black Box area: 0.000000
Net Interconnect area: 203701.042175
Total cell area: 20538.540031
Total area: 224239.582206
- Timing:
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-max_paths 1
Design : LASER
Version: R-2020.09
Date : Wed Jun 7 22:38:48 2023
Operating Conditions: slow Library: slow
Wire Load Model Mode: top
Startpoint: cnt_reg[1] (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
Endpoint: cover_current_reg[5]
(rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
Path Group: CLK
Path Type: max
Des/Clust/Port Wire Load Model Library
LASER tsmc13_wl10 slow
Point Incr Path
clock CLK (rise edge) 0.00 0.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.50 0.50
cnt_reg[1]/CK (DFFQX4) 0.00 0.50 r
cnt_reg[1]/Q (DFFQX4) 0.26 0.76 f
U1105/Y (INVX4) 0.13 0.89 r
U1525/Y (BUFX4) 0.21 1.11 r
U1104/Y (NAND3X1) 0.19 1.30 f
U1634/Y (CLKBUFX8) 0.28 1.58 f
U1320/Y (NOR2X2) 0.62 2.20 r
U1739/Y (AO22X1) 0.40 2.60 r
U1740/Y (NOR4X1) 0.16 2.76 f
U1314/Y (NAND3XL) 0.32 3.08 r
U1181/Y (AOI211X1) 0.22 3.29 f
U1244/Y (NAND4X2) 0.29 3.58 r
U1173/Y (INVX3) 0.16 3.75 f
U1755/Y (NOR2X1) 0.36 4.11 r
U1084/Y (CLKINVX1) 0.31 4.42 f
U1164/Y (OAI21X2) 0.24 4.66 r
U1777/Y (AO21X4) 0.30 4.96 r
U1162/Y (AOI2BB2X2) 0.27 5.23 r
U1161/Y (OAI2BB2X2) 0.33 5.56 r
U1242/Y (OAI22X2) 0.19 5.75 f
U1241/Y (AOI221X2) 0.30 6.05 r
U1789/Y (OAI211X1) 0.25 6.30 f
U1248/Y (NAND2X2) 0.17 6.47 r
U1156/Y (AOI221X2) 0.18 6.65 f
U1369/Y (NOR2X4) 0.23 6.89 r
U1155/Y (NAND2X4) 0.14 7.03 f
U1073/Y (NOR2X2) 0.35 7.38 r
U1070/Y (NAND2X4) 0.20 7.58 f
U1067/Y (NOR2X4) 0.20 7.79 r
U1154/Y (NOR2X2) 0.13 7.92 f
U1240/Y (AOI211X1) 0.31 8.23 r
cover_current_reg[5]/D (DFFQX1) 0.00 8.23 r
data arrival time 8.23
clock CLK (rise edge) 8.00 8.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.50 8.50
clock uncertainty -0.10 8.40
cover_current_reg[5]/CK (DFFQX1) 0.00 8.40 r
library setup time -0.16 8.24
data required time 8.24
data required time 8.24
data arrival time -8.23
slack (MET) 0.01