(Note: this file is mark-down formatted to be read in a code-editor "preview" function or on github)
This application is deployed on heroku at:
The github repository ca be found at:
This web application is intended to demonstrate a "single-page, full-stack" web-application. The functional purpose of this "single-page" application is to allow a user view available burgers, to "devour" one or more burgers, and to add a burger to the database. A seeds.sql file is used to initialize the database with six different burgers.
This application uses the following technologies:
- backend: nodejs server, mysql database
- front-end: html5, w3css, google fonts and font-awesome styling, and jquery.
- NPM libraries used to extend node.js functionality: express (for routing), express-handlebars(templating engine for html content), and mysql(db interface).
- The optional npm package nodemon was used to allow for more-efficient development.
I am the app developer. I used MS Visual Studio Code as my integrated development environment and Github for repository and version control. Bootcamp instructors provided guidelines, instructions and requirements for this app. The application is deployed and hosted on heroku.
The code is organized using a model-view-controller and object relational mapping folder structure.
Instructions (These instructions assume user is familiar with GITHUB and node js and has installed node.js on a PC/Mac.):
- Access the web-application via the url provided above.
- From the home page, click the "devour" button for any burger under the "available" column to remove it from the column and have it show in the "devoured" column.
- If desired, enter a new hamburger via the "add burger" form by entering in a name and clicking "add burger" button. the burger will then show up under the "available burgers" column.
- Bootcamp solved activities: catapp and ormexample