A very common project in Computer Science is converting images to their Ascii equivalent. We did just that in this project but delved into significantly more depth.
- Normalization Methods: What method should we use to determine which ASCII char belongs to each pixel.
- Gradient Generation: How can we order characters in order of density/weight/intensity?
- Webcam: Live ASCII image conversion through your webcam.
- Colors: ASCII Art output through the GUI / terminal can be colored
gh repo clone rhbuckley/ascii-webcam
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ascii_webcam/gui.py
The GUI looks for fonts in the ./assets
folder, so if you decide to run from inside of the ascii_webcam folder, you may need to change the path to the fonts.
I have converted this into a package for local use. If you wish to use this code elsewhere, you may run
source path/to/venv/bin/activate
cd path/to/ascii_webcam
pip install .
What you are doing here is using your project specific venv-interperter, and then installing the ascii_webcam package. This project is not useful enough for me to list this package on PyPi, so for now, it will be local only.
- If you would like to use the Ascii Webcam feature, the program automatically selects your default webcam. Want to use another webcam? You can change this in
Check out this article, that goes over some of the methods implemented within this project.