This repository is a collection of software and documentation templates for the Backstage Orchestrator plugin. The templates are organized into two folders: scaffolder-templates
for Software Templates and documentation-templates
for general documentation templates. Contributions are welcome for new and existing templates!
Starting from RHDH Orchestrator Plugin v1.13, the outputs schema enhances the display of workflow outputs. Rather than showing the entire context as a JSON object, only the specified fields are formatted and presented in a more user-friendly manner.
See the output schema definition and description for more details.
Backstage Software Templates are used to create new software components through Backstage. This concept is leveraged in the Orchestrator plugin to create templates that are intended as a starting point to build on for different use cases such as basic assessment or infrastructure workflows or assessment workflows using custom java code.
The documentation templates provide recommended structure and integration documentation with the Orchestrator deployment.
In case of Tekton
CI pipeline, the secrets OPENSHIFT_SERVER
are used by the GitHub action that deploys the Tekton
resources. Please provide organization-level configuration for these secrets and ensure that they can be managed by the newly created repositories according to the visibility options (currently set to public
If you wish to create a new Quay repository, you would need to possess an API token for your Quay organization, and pass it when prompted. After successfully creating a new Quay repository, the user would have to configure a robot user with write permissions to continue the repository for their CI/CD process.
The value of the OPENSHIFT_TOKEN
secret must provide the permissions to create resources in multiple namesapces, so we provide a simple procedure to
bind it to the cluster-admin
role, but we recommend to configure a new role with only the required privileges instead.
You can follow these steps to generate the token:
[update current oc project
to an existing namespace like orchestrator
oc create sa orchestrator
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -z orchestrator
oc get $(oc get secret -o name | grep orchestrator-token) -o yaml | yq '.data.token' | sed 's/"//g' | base64 -d
Finally, put the output of the last command in the OPENSHIFT_TOKEN
The execution of the software template produces the following output:
- A workflow repository with a sample Serverless Workflow
- Including manifests to configure the Tekton trigger and ArgoCD application
- Includes a GH action to deploy the Tekton trigger and ArgoCD application: the action is automatically executed to start the deployment by the template
- A Github webhook is automatically created to activate the Tekton trigger
- A config repository with initial configuration of a kustomize project to deploy the application
- Uses properties file to allow setting user-specific configuration for the workflow (assuming that the workflow
are using env variables to specify the values)
- Uses properties file to allow setting user-specific configuration for the workflow (assuming that the workflow
- Registers the workflow and workflow-gitops repositories in Backstage as
The execution of the software template produces the following output:
- A workflow repository with a sample Serverless Workflow
- Including manifests to configure the Tekton trigger and ArgoCD application
- Includes a GL pipeline to deploy the Tekton trigger and ArgoCD application: the action is executed by a GitLab runner to start the deployment by the template
- A config repository with initial configuration of a kustomize project to deploy the application
- Uses properties file to allow setting user-specific configuration for the workflow (assuming that the workflow
are using env variables to specify the values)
- Uses properties file to allow setting user-specific configuration for the workflow (assuming that the workflow
- Registers the workflow and workflow-gitops repositories in Backstage as
- Allow using env variables in scaffolder: to avoid passing the SSH private key in the template parameters (a picker could be used in case of multiple keys)