A "realtime" web view of your BGP network
- Who do I peer with?
- How many routes do I receive from my peers?
- Who do I use for tranist?
- What AS path does a prefix take out of my network?
- How many routes and autonomous systems do I see?
Work in progress and many things are broken or changing. This is alpha code.
- Currently a manual process running outside of the bgp-dashboard application.
- Setup a rancid/clogin, or similar cli automation tool, reoccurring cron job to grab the data and save locally as text.
- After the 'show ip bgp' data is saved locally, run bgp2sql.py from the scripts folder to build/update the SQLite database.
- Again, best to automate this via a cron job at regular intervals.
- Flask, SQLAlchemy, Bootstrap, and various JavaScript libraries are used to present the data via the web
(TODO) - Add screenshots
Python 3.4+
$ git clone https://github.com/rhicks/bgp-dashboard.git
$ cd bgp-dashboard
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
...(TODO) - Create the database
...(TODO) - Setup cron jobs
$ python3 web/hello.py (TODO) - Change the name of the app
$ git clone https://github.com/rhicks/bgp-dashboard.git
$ cd bgp-dashboard
$ [sudo] pip install virtualenv
$ [sudo] pip install virtualenvwrapper # Read virtualenvwrapper install instructions for shell integration
$ mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3` bgp-dashboard
$ workon bgp-dashboard
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Use netmiko to automate the download of BGP data from routers
- Investigate the use of BMP to trigger updates
- Add ability to search for ASN/IP and find the next hop and full AS path
- Add support for other router vendors
- Add ability to monitor ASN or Prefix changes (next hop IP, next hop ASN, AS path, etc...)
- Add alerting for monitored ASN/Prefixes (email, pager, etc...)