This repository holds the code of the DocSearch scraper used to power the hosted version of DocSearch. DocSearch scaper is used as search for the rholang/ implementation.
- Install Python 3.6. Only this version have no error messages displayed.
- Install pipenv
- run command line with admin rights
- pip install --user pipenv
- print out where the path of python is with: py -m site --user-site
- set path variable (change path to your path) : setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Users\jetbrains\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\Scripts"
- Open this project with vscode -> cd into /DocSearch-Srapper
- pipenv install --dev
- rename .env.example to .env
- keys from algolia and chromedriver path
- change APPLICATION_ID, API_KEY to yours from algolia
- change CHROMEDRIVER_PATH to your path
- config, what css selector to parse on your website
- pipenv run python ./docsearch run ./configs/website.json