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Tags: rhowe/grafonnet-lib




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rhowe Russell Howe
Add timeFrom and timeShift parameters to stat, table, and timeseries

Add support for manipulating the time window to stat, table, and
timeseries panels via the `timeFrom` and `timeShift` parameters.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
rhowe Russell Howe
Bulk changelog update & arbitrary version bump to 1.0.0

Code changes

- Add support for centering timeseries axis on zero
- Update stat panel for Grafana 9.x
- Align timeseries panel API to the table panel
- Convert table panel identifiers to camelCase
- Support sorting tables
- Update support for table panels
- Support specifying color selection mechanism on timeseries color overrides
- Fix ability to show/hide grid lines in timeseries panel
- Add support for timeseries panels
- Enabling instant capabilities for logs
- Change the cloudwatch target's default period to 'auto' (grafana#347)
- Add text mode to stat panel (grafana#310)
- jsonnetfmt
- Add a little helper library to automatically manage the layout of panels.
- Update grafonnet-7.0
- Fix broken link to grafana templates
- Replaced wrong link to "Usage"
- Add overrides to the Gauge panel
- Add addOverride and addOverrides functions to graphPanel and StatPanel
- AddTransformations and AddTransformation methods for table panel (grafana#265)
- Update sql : add attribute alias
- Remove obsolete metadata generated by grafana
- Update gauge_panel : Add timeFrom attribute
- Delete TODO
- add maxDataPoints
- Add Cloud Monitoring
- Update cloudwatch.libsonnet : Add `hide` attribute
- fix argument name
- Add maxDataPoints to heatmap
- Add nowDelay to timepicker
- fix repeatMaxPerRow
- Update graph_panel.libsonnet : Add interval attribute
- Update cloudwatch.libsonnet : Add id and expression attributes
- Add timeFrom to stat panel.
- Update generated Code From Dashboard Spec Project
- make maxDatapoints for singleStat configurable
- rename addDashboardLinks to addLinks
- Add fillGradient param to graphPanel
- Write generated lib to grafonnet-7.0
- grafonnet-spec-7.0
- Enhance dashboard to support adding multiple dashboard links
- Make target to import generated Jsonnet from spec
- Update graphPanel: add multiple links
- Configure legend format in Loki target.
- Fix some typos/mispellings
- Made repeatDirection=null by default to match Grafana behavior.
- Changed 'repeatMaxPerRow' to 'maxPerRow'.
- Add 'hide' param to influxdb target
- Fix template.custom when multi=true is given (grafana#232)
- Define bar gauge. (grafana#249)
- Removed the trailing white spaces
- Added link field to table_panel

Documentation updates

- Add note about Grafonnet 7 and CUE
- Update repository documentation
- Fix docs for the table panel
- Fix links to datasource docs
- Typo in usage example.
- Add timeFrom param description
- Adds community plugin for bigquery panel to docs
- Document the addition of generated code
- Add documentation
- Add some missing API documentations
- Fixed issues with 'default' jsdoc consistency.
- Made the JSDoc of default values consistent across template and prometheus source files.
- Added text panel jsdoc and repeat options.
- Fixed typo. Added "expr" parameter to JSDoc.
- Added documentation for
- Added documentation for template.adhoc
- Added documentation for template.text
- Added documentation for template.custom
- Added documentation for template.datasource
- Added documentation on the 'current' parameter in template. Documented 'query' and current arguments for template.interval. Added unit tests for interval to better test the parsing of the query.
- Fixed typo in documentation
- Removed documentation after @name as the JSDoc parser doesn't handle it well.
- Removed documentation after @name as the JSDoc parser doesn't handle it well.
- Added documentation for the interval variable
- Added jsdoc for

Test updates

- Update tests to use Grafana 9.3.6 & jsonnet 0.19.1
- Upgrade cypress from 10.11.0 to 12.6.0
- Bump cypress from 10.9.0 to 10.11.0 in /e2e
- Update e2e test image to Cypress 10.11.0
- Update e2e tests to use Node 18
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /e2e
- Update grafana to 9.2.4 in e2e tests
- Bump ludeeus/action-shellcheck from 1.1.0 to 2.0.0
- Bump actions/dependency-review-action from 2 to 3
- Add dependency review action
- Configure dependabot
- Make pass shellcheck
- Add shellcheck linter
- Add GH workflow to run tests
- Fix tests
- Upgrade e2e test dependencies
- Update tests
- Add target tests
- test-update
- ci fixes
- Fix tests/graph_panel
- Update test - Replace dashboard links with regular links
- Ran make test-update
- Updated expected output in unit tests following changes
- Added unit tests for the repeat function of text panel.
- Adding test with links as done for graph_panel
- Added a unit test for the current: 'auto' value in

Repository maintenance

- Move layout to contrib folder.



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request grafana#359 from marioanton/master

Enabling instant capabilities for loki targets.


Add 0.1.0 release to CHANGELOG



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Contributing guide updates (grafana#239)

* Specify support for only latest and last major Grafana versions.
* List pre-installed Grafana plugins to indicate more specifically which
  are intended to be supported.
* Rename "Plugin Support" section to "Feature Support"