This documentation can be build as either webpages or latex/PDF, but is optimized for webpages
Install Sphinx on your computer.
Check if you have Node.js installed on your computer, by opening a terminal and running:
node -v
Install Node.js if it is not on your computer.
Add Live Server as an extension in VS Code.
Clone this repository. This repository has two Git Submodules, so the easiest way to grab those files is to clone this using the recursive flag:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Alternatively, you can clone the repository, and then add the Git Submodules:
git clone git submodule init git submodule update
To build the HTML webpages:
Open a new terminal in VS Code
Navigate to the root of the project directory on your computer
Run the command:
sphinx-build -b html source docs
To view the HTML webpages:
- In VS Code's file explorer, navigate to cpr-documentation/html/index.html.
- Right click on index.html and select Open with Live Server. This should open a web browser with the latest files stored on your computer in cpr-documentation/build/html.
- You can stop running the server by clicking the Port: 5500 button in the bottom right of VS Code.
To build PDF files using LaTex:
Open a new teminal
Navigate to the project root directory, and run:
sphinx-build -b latex doc build-latex cd build-latex make
If you get errors about missing fonts, go to latex/clearpath-latex/fonts and install all the fonts there.