This project is a Next.js application that displays a gallery of books fetched from the Google Books API. It presents book information in an interactive and user-friendly interface, showcasing modern web development practices.
Here is a link to screenrecording of the project:
- Responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices
- Book listing with pagination
- Clickable book titles and thumbnails leading to a detail page
- Detailed book view displaying:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Publication date
- Thumbnail
- Back button on detail page to return to the list view
- Search functionality for books by title
- Filtering of results by category (if applicable)
- Comments form with basic data validation (front-end only)
The application uses the Google Books API.
Key endpoints used:
- Book search:
- Book details:
- Built with Next.js
- Styled using Tailwind CSS
- CVA (Class Variance Authority) for creating a flexible button component
- TypeScript for type safety
- Utilizes Next.js' built-in API routes for server-side operations
- CVA for creating reusable and flexible UI components
- [Any other patterns or practices you've used]
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.