A repository containing all my solutions to various Leetcode problems
This is a way of tracking which problems I have solved. The eventual goal is to build my technical interview skills up to a point where I can confidently answer most problems I may encounter.
I know I'm not the first to do this, and in fact there are several lists of problems curated by others more experienced than I. The goal is to get a few Easy questions under my belt (maybe 5), and then try completing lists compiled by others. Ideally, I solve at least one problem per day.
- https://www.teamblind.com/post/New-Year-Gift---Curated-List-of-Top-100-LeetCode-Questions-to-Save-Your-Time-OaM1orEU
- NeetCode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Nov 12, 2022: Decided to only add "Easy" problems that I feel are unique/challenging enough. Some of them just aren't worth including.