Releases: richardhyy/EusUniBan
- Uni-banned player joining warning for everyone
- You can now stop banned players whose banning reason containing specific keywords being broadcasted
- Active mode for broadcast service: post your ban-list to a url (merged from UniBanCopy written by Ghost_chu)
- Timed out for fetching ban-list can be customized now (1.3)
- Increased default timed out
- In some cases, when UniBan is working with BungeeCord, players banned from equal or greater than the threshold will not be blocked
- Dynamically adjusting attempting intervals for each server, which is useful in situations where third-party servers are temporarily down
- Reduced connection timeout
- Improved the stability when working with BungeeCord
- LiteBans support not functioning normally
- Console spam when UniBan failed connecting to third-party servers
Add: Extension support
Add: Set MinPeriodPerServer to 0 to turn Access Frequency Control off
Fix: Dependency configurations are not working properly on BungeeCord
- Add:
- Localization Support
- Operators can now inspect the servers that a player was banned from
- Cached ban-list is now saved in an easy-to-read way
- Sharing Subscription Key is easier than before (/uniban share <Hostname>, and then click on the URL)
- Now you can toggle ignoring ban check for OPs, and get a notification in console if an OP is banned somewhere
- Fix:
- Error when executing /uniban check command on BungeeCord in some cases
- Broadcast status will not be displayed on BungeeCord
- NoClassDefFoundError on BungeeCord
- Broadcast disabled wrongly on BungeeCord
- Change:
- Re-add the OP check in case a server does not use permission
- Subscription refreshing messages will not be displayed now if the subscription list is empty
- OP will not have “uniban.ignore” permission by default now in order to make “Ignore OP” check functioning
Add: A quick way to add/share subscriptions
Add: Exempt a server by executing a command
Fix: Configuration will not be reloaded on Bungeecord
Fix: Misleading message when failed resolving ban-list caused by wrong password
Fix: Tab complete won't work for sub-commands
Add: Support for third-party banning plugins, including AdvancedBan, BungeeBan, LiteBans, for both Bukkit and Bungeecord.
Fix: NullPointerException when player login
Change: Default warning message
Add: Threshold settings for warning and preventing when a player banned online entering
Add: Update checker
Fix: Error when config was deleted before reloading
Fix: SubscriptionRefreshPeriod will not be loaded when broadcast is disabled
Fix: tab complete still work even if a player does not have permission "uniban.admin"
Fix: the player would not be removed even if he/she is unbanned from all subscribed servers
- Partly support for Bungeecord (ban-list sharing for Bungeecord will soon be supported)
- Fixed:
- Host name duplication in ban-list cache
- Wrong host name displayed in ban-list cache