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UniBan Extension

Leaves123 edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

UniBan (1.2 or later) provides you with an efficient way to extend its function, e.g. importing banned players from your own ban managing plugin.

A UniBan Extension example is provided here: EusChatBridge - Build a Bridge Between Webhooks of IM Service and Your Minecraft Server

Heres the steps of making a simple UniBan Extension.

First of all, create a public class which extends UniBanExtension.

public class MyExtension extends UniBanExtension {
    UniBanController controller;
    MyPlugin plugin;
    HttpService httpService;

    public ChatReceiverExtension(MyPlugin instance) {
        this.plugin = instance;

    public void onExtensionLoad() {
        this.controller = getUniBanController();
      	// Uncomment the code below in case you need the extension based on UniBan http server.
        // this.httpService = new HttpService("/MyExtension", new HttpRequestHandler(plugin, controller));
    public void onExtensionUnload() {
        if (httpService != null && httpService.context != null)

    public HttpService getHttpService() {
      	return this.httpService;
    public String getName() {
        return plugin.getDescription().getName();

    public String getAuthor() {
        return plugin.getDescription().getAuthors().toString();

    public String getVersion() {
        return plugin.getDescription().getVersion();

And then add the following code to the onEnable() section.

if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("UniBan") != null) {
    new MyExtension(this).register();
    getLogger().info("UniBan Extension registered.");
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