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A SwiftUI View that implements a comfortable wave animation with animated progress change.


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A SwiftUI View that implements a comfortable fluid-like animated wave with animated progress change.


Overview 概览

May you create marvelous waves with Wave!


Single Wave Multiple Wave Animated Progress Change
single wave double wave animated progress change

Let's see how it works. English Document


Installation 安装方法


Swift Package Manager 根本没法用,Xcode本身也有一些限制,因此放弃。


Usage 使用方法

Wave(progress: <#T##Binding<Float>#>,
     waveHeight: <#T##CGFloat#>,
     wavePhaseDegree: <#T##CGFloat#>,
     waveDuration: <#T##CGFloat#>,
     waveColor: <#T##Color#>,
     progressAnimation: <#T##Animation?#>)



Parameter Explanation 参数解释

waveHeight: CGFloat,波浪的高度,简单来说就是正弦曲线的振幅A的两倍。默认值就挺好的了。

wavePhaseDegree: CGFloat,波浪的初始相位,角度制。这对于单一Wave来说用处不大,因为波浪始终都是可以无限运动的,因此看不出区别。稍后会详细提到。

waveDuration: CGFloat,波浪运动的快慢。默认值就挺好的了。

waveColor: Color,波浪的颜色。

progressAnimation: Animation?,波浪的progress在改变时的动画。不能接受这么大个东西在动的时候还没有动画。但你执意不要动画的话就设置为nil吧。

A Better Wave 更舒适的波浪


struct TestView: View {
    @State var progress: Float = 0.6
    var back = #colorLiteral(red: 0.4666666687, green: 0.7647058964, blue: 0.2666666806, alpha: 1)
    var front = #colorLiteral(red: 0.5843137503, green: 0.8235294223, blue: 0.4196078479, alpha: 1)
    var body: some View {
            Wave(progress: $progress, waveHeight: 13, wavePhaseDegree: 0, waveDuration: 2.5, waveColor: Color(back).opacity(0.2))
            Wave(progress: $progress, waveHeight: 15, wavePhaseDegree: 180, waveDuration: 2.5, waveColor: Color(front).opacity(0.4))




double wave


Animating Progress Change 进度变化动画



About This Project 寻根溯源



一杯最初是完全由UIKit写成的,当时的我也是完完全全的Swift新手。这几年我一直都在实践中不断地学习,不断发现更优雅的代码的写法。写一杯的时候逐渐熟悉了UIKit(但也没有那么熟悉),到后来写一杯的Widget和阁楼, 我才接触到了SwiftUI。慢慢地,越写越上手,越写越感觉比UIKit方便很多。

当初选择UIKit的时候我还好像什么都不会, 所有地方都好像只能用别人的库。也是因为这些年积累下来库比较多我才选择的UIKit。可是后来我甚至有点感觉UIKit的程序有点写不下去了的时候,我感觉是时候改变一下了。

我发现自己好像有能力能开始写点东西。虽然不多,也不是很复杂, 但能让SwiftUI的社区变得更完善,我感觉是一件挺棒的事。



其实很早就想读懂noa4021J的代码并进行改进, 但无奈一直都看不太懂。。。

后来就按照自己的想法写了一下这个代码, 很神奇的一点是我居然只用了不到100行?(虽然还是折腾了好几天)

然后关于动画,Wave涉及两个动画:一个是波浪本身要不断运动,第二个是进度变化的时候波浪的位置高度也要变化。 我很努力地花了很久,试图让进度变化的动画发生的时候波浪依旧运动, 可是没有找到同时进行两个动画的解决办法,网上也搜不到,无奈只好继续用Timer()


感谢Benzy Neez的答案,最终我可以完全摆脱Timer,只使用SwiftUI的Animation。不过,其中一个用的是Metal的动画,另一个是CoreAnimation。





Richard Jorne

English Document


Just copy /Wave.swift to your project.

Due to some Xcode limitations, I couldn't use SPM, so no SPM.

CocoaPods support is excepted in future.


Wave(progress: <#T##Binding<Float>#>,
     waveHeight: <#T##CGFloat#>,
     wavePhaseDegree: <#T##CGFloat#>,
     waveDuration: <#T##CGFloat#>,
     waveColor: <#T##Color#>,
     progressAnimation: <#T##Animation?#>)

The only required property is a Binding Float progress.

Just bind it to your Float variable!

Parameter Explanation

waveHeight: CGFloat, the height of the wave, it's simply twice the amplitude of a sine wave. The default value is pretty good.

wavePhaseDegree: CGFloat, the initial phase of the wave, in degree. This is not useful for just one wave, because the wave will move forever so you can't tell the difference. But there is a difference and we'll mention it later.

waveDuration: CGFloat, use this to control the speed of the wave. The default value is pretty good (TDPG).

waveColor: Color, the wave's color.

progressAnimation: Animation?, the animation when the progress changes. Can't stand if there's no animation when such a big stuff changes. Set to nil if you don't want animation, but, strongly discouraged.

A Better Wave

If you pursue perfection like I do, you may think that one wave may not be real enough. Inspired by noa4021J, stacking multiple waves may make it look more genuine.

struct TestView: View {
    @State var progress: Float = 0.6
    var back = #colorLiteral(red: 0.4666666687, green: 0.7647058964, blue: 0.2666666806, alpha: 1)
    var front = #colorLiteral(red: 0.5843137503, green: 0.8235294223, blue: 0.4196078479, alpha: 1)
    var body: some View {
            Wave(progress: $progress, waveHeight: 13, wavePhaseDegree: 0, waveDuration: 2.5, waveColor: Color(back).opacity(0.2))
            Wave(progress: $progress, waveHeight: 15, wavePhaseDegree: 180, waveDuration: 2.5, waveColor: Color(front).opacity(0.4))

(I'm a huge fan of colorLiteral lol

You'll find that I used wavePhaseDegree. This parameter allows you to create multiple waves with different initial phases so that you can make everything look better.

But about the value...Well...It's up to you :)

double wave

This is what it looks like when I stack two Waves. Stunning.

Animating Progress Change

Wave allows you to add beautiful non-linear animations to your progress change.

UseprogressAnimation with animations like .easeInOut() to make your own Wave!

About This Project

This is my second open-source SwiftUI project.

As the developer of A Cup, I find myself loving SwiftUI more instead of UIKit.

A Cup was originally completely written in UIKit, when I was pretty new to Swift. I've been learning through practice for the past few years, and kept finding ways to write better and more elegant codes. I knew UIKit more through writing A Cup and started to get familiar with SwiftUI when writing widgets for A Cup and Attic. Little by little, I started to feel the convenience of SwiftUI.

When I chose to write A Cup with UIKit, I felt like knowing nothing, and I could only use libraries from others. Actually, one of the reasons I chose UIKit was because the amount of libraries was much greater than SwiftUI. But then I felt like it was tedious writing UIKit codes, and I couldn't stand more.

It's time to change.

I felt like I could finally start to write something, and make some contributions to SwiftUI community, although what I can do is not very sophisticated. I feel great.

When using other libraries, I found that some were not quite flexible. So when creating my own libraries, I hope to keep the flexibility while ensuring the usage to be simple. For example, you can choose to use a single wave or combine multiple waves together.

I hope my library can make a day for you :)

Another little story about this project:

A long time ago I tried to understand noa4021J's code and make some improvements, but it was a little hard for me to understand...

Then I wrote this code with my own thoughts, and, interestingly, it takes less than 100 lines(although it still took me pretty much time)

About the animation, there are two animations for the wave: one to keep the wave moving and the other to animate the progress change of the wave. It took me a lot of time to keep the wave moving while animating the progress change, but I couldn't find a solution on the Internet. The animation of the wave moving just gets interrupted. So finally I could only use a scheduledTimer.

But anyway, we can use SwiftUI's animation to animate the progress change now, instead of Timer, which is what I used on A Cup.

Thanks to Benzy Neez, I can now get rid of Timer and use SwiftUI's Animation only. One is powered by Metal and the other is using CoreAnimation.

Some of my users told me that there was a frame drop when the progress changed rapidly. I did put a lot of effort into the improvement but nothing worked. I think this time, changing everything to SwiftUI's animation can solve this problem, and can work better with ProMotion.

My first project: RingRangeSelector

Wish you a nice day!


Richard Jorne


A SwiftUI View that implements a comfortable wave animation with animated progress change.







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