- config hardhat.config.js const PRIVATE_KEY = "";
PRIVATE_KEY is the priavte key of wallet which smart contract will be deployed on. You can get the private key from metamask. https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015289632-How-to-export-an-account-s-private-key
ex : const PRIVATE_KEY = "3903e09c87194bec2f48b4b1039e26df367f979c66edd58d155ba5edb2fdd186";
const APIKEY = ""
APIKEY is the user's apikey of avax network who deploy smart contract.
- User has to sign up to snowtract.io website.
- User can get the api key in his account.
npm install
run windows prompt in this directory and type like as follows. npx hardhat deploy:cavamainnet
copy address of smartcontract to clipboard to verify.
- verify smart contract
npx hardhat verify "smartcontract address" --network avalanche