A simple and elegant form builder
- Landing page that shows how many forms have been built & saved as drafts
- An extensive form builder, where user can create "blocks" for different input types, and drag blocks around for more in-depth customisation
- A preview page where user can check how the final form will look for end users
- Ability to save ongoing form builds as drafts and pick up right where the user left off.
- The ability to fill up the form with proper user customized form validations
- The ability to submit the filled up former
- Some minor style inconsistencies
- To store form builds and form drafts, postgreSQL (more specifically Neon) was used along with drizzleORM
- Zustand was used and the primary state management library.
- For certain UI elements, like the date picker component toast, and certain other components, shadcn library was used.
I wanted to express my gratitude for allowing me to participate in this challenge. Don't know if I did well, but I sure did learn a thing or two. Oh and by the way, this could serve as a really great project! Not just as a showcase but as an actual product too.
So thanks! Even if I don't get a chance to work with you guys, I will keep working on this and maybe turn this into something -- "unique".
Have a great day!