I'm a big fan of the NBA, and with data easily obtainable for free, it can be really fun to try and make the best possible predictor of NBA games. In this project, data is collected from free, open-source APIs. Some advanced feature engineering and data cleaning is done with the help of Pandas and then some supervised learning methods are tested on the resulting data.
Potential future avenues for building upon this work include training a neural network instead of vanilla machine learning classifiers and using player-level data to capture matchup specific dependencies, an idea I tried (discussed below) but was not able to make successful at first pass.
For sports enthusiasts, the NBA is a data gold mine. There are 10 players on the court at all times--5 from each team--and although they have different responsibilities for the team, their performance can be measured with a standard set of statistics. Points, rebounds, assists, blocks, and steals are just a few of the many stats one can use to describe player performance. Team aggregate statistics can be taken to be more revealing about a team's performance overall and capture dependencies beyond individual player statistics, like team chemistry.
In a standard NBA season, there are 1230 regular season games (the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 NBA seasons were shortened due to Covid-19). With that many games being played each year, there is ample data to analyze for building a predictive model. It is for this reason that NBA prediction was chosen over predicting the games in my other favorite sports league: the NFL (where there are only 272 regular season games each year). There is certainly reason to believe that with so much data, a machine learning classifier should be able to outperform baseline prediction by a substantial amount.
Data for this project was collected from two open-source APIs. For player level stats, data was collected from the NBA Stats API itself with the help of this excellent package for retrieving it in Python. Team level data came from sports-reference with the help of this package, which is much easier to use.
Initially, data was collected for each player in each game. The exact stats collected for each player are outlined in the appendix. It is worth noting that several tricks were needed to make this data collection work. First, collecting the data requires scraping it from the NBA Stats API. To prevent overloading the API with requests, you are not allowed to make unlimited requests in short periods of time. Too many requests too quickly and your IP address will get a timeout. A common and easy solution is to pause between requests by adding:
After each API call to pause for 2 seconds.
Because of this, data collection is slow. There are over 20 API calls for each game (for all the players that played in that game), so the data for each game takes a while to collect. It therefore becomes important to store the data locally so it can be retrieved much faster during training and inference. To store data locally, I opted for creating an hdf5 file for easy key-based indexing, but something like a SQL database or even a large CSV file could work also.
The player-level data ultimately did not do well for game prediction, at least with what I attempted. So I switched my approach to collecting team-level data. The exact stats collected for each team are listed in the appendix.
Many of the collected features are highly correlated with each other. This makes sense intuitively, since features like 3pt field goals made and 3pt field goal percentage are intrinsically linked. We can see below how many of the features are correlated, but there are still many uncorrelated features that should give us good predictive power.
(Download the full image to see it in better detail)
Last 'N' games
An important consideration for the predictive model is that it cannot use any
information that was not available prior to each game's tip off. Having the
features for each game, then, is not useful in and of itself because the features
for a game the model might predict would not be available until after that game
has been played. Instead, we would like to get the stats for each team leading
up to the game being predicted.
For this analysis, these features are engineered as the team average of each features over three different time horizons: the previous 5, 10, and 15 games. Since our data is initially per game data, we need to be creative with Pandas to average over the proper timeframes for extracting relevant features. See the dataset script for how exactly this is done.
Averaging the stats this way greatly increases our number of features (each feature essentially now appears 3 times, once for each different timeframe). After formatting the data in this way, it has 228 features for each game. However, as observed in the original data correlation matrix, many of these features are highly correlated, and that effect is even greater now that the features cover overlapping time periods (e.g. a team's 3pt field goal percentage over the last 5 games is highly correlated with its 3pt field goal percentage over the last 10 games). It therefore becomes important to reduce the dimensionality of the data.
Feature scaling
Many machine learning models perform better after simple mean/standard deviation
feature scaling. This is a computationally efficient and common data preprocessor
that scales each feature to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. It
is also for all intents and purposes a prerequisite of principal component
analysis (discussed below), so it is used in this analysis.
Dimensionality Reduction
As noted above, many of the features collected for this
project are highly correlated. In general, multicollinearity may be less of an
issue when the goal of the classifier is to make the most accurate predictions,
rather than to estimate the true effects between independent and dependent
variables. But there are still things we can do to reduce the dimensionality of
the dataset while preserving its predictive power.
For this project, I decided to keep things simple. Rather than attempting to optimally subselect features (an interesting and non-trivial problem in and of itself), I opted instead to simply apply prinicpal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction. It is worth noting that is not necessarily optimal; some machine learning methods (tree-based methods in particular) can be susceptible to performance losses from including weak, noisy, or otherwise useless features. It is likely that some subset of the 228 available features could be used to outperform simple PCA dimensionality reduction, but that analysis is not considered here.
PCA (principal component analysis) successively finds principal components—linear
combinations of features that are orthogonal to one another. By taking the top
principal components, we can reduce the dimensionality of the dataset while
preserving as much of the variance as possible.
This plot shows the effect of increasing k
on the explained variance in the
original dataset:
As we can clearly see, beyond the first 50 principal components, the others contribute little to the overall variance in the training dataset. This relatively small number (50 out of 228 initial features) is not surprising given the large number of correlations in the original dataset. Still, the number of principal components to retain for the best results is not immediately obvious, so it will become a testable hyperparameter of the predictive model.
One area of future investigation would be to explore recursive feature elimination or pick the most important features in the data by looking at the actual coefficients in the most important principal components. These methods of dimensionality reduction may yield better results than PCA.
All the models considered in this analysis are "out of the box" machine learning classifiers from Scikit Learn. The methodology for training them is straightforward. For each, a grid search is run to determine the best parameters by a custom validation function (discussed below). The models considered so far are:
- Random forest
- Logistic regression
Two custom evaluation functions are used. The first one targets the best possible true positive rate for a fixed tolerable false positive rate. The intuition for this evaluation is straightforward: the fixed false positive rate represents the percentage of the time we are willing to be wrong in predicting a game. With that tolerance threshold in place, we seek the model that captures the most games correctly subject to that threshold. Under the hood, this imposes a confidence threshold on predictions from our model. Predictions below this confidence threshold are ignored. In other words, a model prediction is only counted when the model displays sufficient confidence; we seek to maximize the number of correct predictions above this confidence threshold subject to a limit on the portion of allowable incorrect predictions above this threshold.
A similar, but slightly different evaluation metric is based on getting the best possible prediction accuracy above a fixed confidence threshold. This is similar to the fixed tolerable false positive rate model evaluation, except in this method, we set a minimum probability required to call a game, and then evaluate our model based on how accurate it is for predictions above this threshold.
The difference between these two evaluation methods is nuanced. The first is better for evaluating our model how we might like it to be used--with a threshold tuned to a predetermined performance level. The latter is how the model would actually be evaluated on new data. Once the threshold is set, it is fixed, so further evaluation deals only with performance relative to a previously chosen threshold.
In practice for this project, the first evaluation method is passed as an argument to Scikit Learn's GridSearchCV to find the best model parameters, and the second evaluation method is used to determine our model's effectiveness under a more realistic operating condition where we choose a fixed probability threshold for calling a game.
Best parameters for each model are chosen with Scikit Learn's GridSearchCV. Different numbers of retained principal components ranging in multiples of 10 from 10 to 100 are also tested for each classifier. For each combo of retained principal components and parameters, the model is evaluated using 5-fold cross validation over the entire dataset. The best performing model is chosen according to the first custom evaluation function described above.
Once the best parameters have been chosen, the final model is evaluated on a true holdout dataset. The holdout dataset for all reported performance metrics in this analysis is the 2018-2019 NBA season (chosen because it was the most recently completed full NBA season at the time of this analysis; 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 seasons were shortened due to Covid-19). Using a holdout dataset does reduce the amount of data available for training (no data from the 2018-2019 season may be used for training models or parameter selection), but it gives us a fair estimate of what kind of performance we might expect on new data.
As expected, the random forest classifier is one of the best for this application. Interestingly, the best model for the random forest classifier is found to be one with 80 principal components retained, though its performance is only marginally better than the best model with only 10 retained principal components. Since computational expense is not a concern for the academic purposes of this project, results are given for the model with 80 retained principal components, but in practice, if computing resources were limited, the model with only 10 retained principal components would likely be a better choice.
Let's take a look at the ROC curve for the best performing model:
Note: Since the home team winning is the event labeled as a true detection, this ROC curve technically only shows our ability to predict the home team winning. The custom evaluation function computes a weighted average of this with the model's ability to predict the away team winning, though, so the results are similar.
As you can see, this model does far better than if we just flipped a coin to predict the winner!
Now let's see how accurate the model is for different prediction thresholds:
Not bad here either!
Logistic regression does not perform as well for this application as random forest. It may be the case that the two classes of data (home team win and away team win) are not separable in the feature space. Since logistic regression essentially tries to fit a nonlinear decision boundary, it will function best when the classes are separable. Still we are able to do much better than the baseline.
Here's the ROC curve for our logistic regression classifier:
So it does way better than the coin flip baseline. Let's take a look at the accuracy for different confidence thresholds:
Not as good as the random forest, but still not bad.
With only two machine learning models considered in this analysis, the obvious next step is to keep going and try different models. The two models examined here where chosen because they are the most fitting choices for this application, but it would be worth trying a support vector machine (SVM), Naive Bayes in conjunction with kernel density estimation, and particularly a gradient boosting classifier, which may perform well for this application. It may even be worth considering a simple multi-layer perceptron (MLP), though the available data is somewhat limited for deep learning and a MLP would quickly run the risk of overfitting as its number of activation units grows.
Another expansion of this project would be to add a way to continue data collection over time. The current analysis is based on a dataset that is created once from past games. It is purely academic in this sense: more about exploring the data for cool insights into NBA games and machine learning than for actually predicting the outcome of a real NBA game. But a module to continue to add data could be useful if using these models for inference (disclaimer: still intended just for fun; I don't consider these models a good basis for sports betting and I would discourage anyone from betting on them).