A class that assists in encrypting and decrypting data using a combination of RSA and AES
Data will be AES encrypted for speed, the Key and IV used in the AES stage will be encrypted using RSA
ssl = SSL.new(public_key, private_key, passphrase, "aes-256-cbc")
data = File.read("largefile.dat")
crypted_data = ssl.encrypt_with_private(data)
pp crypted_data
This will result in a hash of data like:
crypted = {:key => "crd4NHvG....=",
:data => "XWXlqN+i...=="}
The key and data will be base 64 encoded already
You can pass the data hash into ssl.decrypt_with_public which should return your original data
There are matching methods for using a public key to encrypt data to be decrypted using a private key
Apache 2.0
R.I.Pienaar / [email protected] / www.devco.net / @ripienaar