A repository of tools that interact with the RiskSense API.
- appfinding_report_from_saved_filter
- A tool for generating a csv report based upon a saved filter in the platform.
- tag_import_tool
- A tool for the mass creation of new tags via the reading of a .csv file.
- cmdb_update_tool
- A tool for the mass update of hosts' CMDB information via the reading of a .csv file.
- group_import_tool
- A tool for the mass creation of new groups via the reading of a .csv file.
- hostfinding_report_from_saved_filter
- A tool for generating a csv report based upon a saved filter in the platform.
- asset_criticality_update
- A tool for updating assets' criticalities via reading of a csv file.
- create_and_assigntags
- A tool used to create remediation and assign host findings tags
- burpsuite_create
- A tool used to create burpsuite connector
- delete_hosts_in_defaultgroup
- A tool that is used to delete the hosts data from default group
- deletes_app_sindefaultgroup
- A tool that is used to delete apps in default group
- Groupbyexport
- A tool that is used to export data in groupby
- hclappscan_connector_create
- A tool used to create hcl appscan connector
- jira_connector_create
- A tool for creating a JIRA connector in Risksense platform.
- nessusconnector create
- A tool for creating nessus connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- nexposeconnector create
- A tool for creating nexpose connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- qualyspcconnector_create
- A tool for creating qualys policy compliance connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- qualysvmconnector_create
- A tool for creating qualys vmdr connector connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- qualysvulnconnector_create
- A tool for creating qualys vulnerability connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- qualyswasconnector_create
- A tool for creating qualys web application connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- rs3simulator
- A tool for simulating rs3 score for assets in risksense
- slacreation
- A tool for creating sla in platform
- exportslahf
- A tool for exporting hostfindings that based on sla in platform
- slapriority
- A tool for getting priority of a particular sla in platform
- snow_incident_connector_create
- A tool for creating a Service Now Incident type connector in Risksense platform.
- sonarcloudconnector_create
- A tool for creating sonar cloud connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- awsinspectorcreate
- A tool for creating aws inpsector connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- cherwell_incident_connector_create
- A tool for creating cherwell incident connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- cherwell_makerequest_connector_create
- A tool for creating cherwell make request connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- cherwell_problem_connector_create
- A tool for creating cherwell problem connectors in product/demo risksense platforms
- grouptools
- A tool that list groups,create,assign,edit,delete and assign users
- ivanti_itsm_connector_create
- A tool that creates ivanti itsm connector using user input
- ivanti_itsm_ticket_creation
- A tool that create ivanti itsm ticket using user input
- jira_ticket_creation
- A tool that create ivanti itsm ticket using user input
- snow_incident_ticket_creation
- A tool that create ivanti itsm ticket using user input
- snow_service_request_ticket_creation
- A tool that create ivanti itsm ticket using user input
- applicationsecuritydashboard
- This tool will display data from the application security dashboard
- executivedashboard
- This tool will display data from the executive dashboard
- prioritization_dashboard
- This tool will display data from theprioritization dashboard based on the input provided by you in the terminal
- ransomewaredashboard
- This tool will display data from the ransomware dashboard based on the input provided by you in the terminal
- sla overview dashboard
- This tool will display data from the sla overview dashboard based on the input provided by you in the terminal
- checkmarxosaconnector
- Tool for creating checkmarx osa connector
- checkmarxsastconnector
- Tool for creating checkmarx sast connector
- expander_connector
- Tool for creating Palo Alto Xpanse Expander connector
- falconspotlightconnector*
- Tool for creating Crowdstrike falcon spotlight connector
- ivanti_itsm_connector_create
- Tool for creating Ivanti ITSM connector
- nexposeassettag
- Tool for creating Nexpose asset tag connector
- qualysasset
- Tool for creating Qualys asset connector
- snowctcconnector_create
- Tool for creating Snow CTC connector
- whitehatconnector_create
- Tool for creating Whitehat connector
- snowserviceconnector
- Tool for creating Snow SR connector
- veracodeconnector_create
- Tool for creating veracode connector
- Aquasec
- Tool for creating aquasec connector
- Sonatype
- Tool for creating Sonatype connector
- Fortifyondemand
- Tool for creating Fortifyondemand connector
- A working Python 3 installation is required.
- Additionally, the following Python packages are required:
The required packages can be installed with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Or, depending on your installation of Python/Pip:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Download zip file, copy the file to the desired location, and unzip.