Version 6.3
Muscat 6.3 brings numerous enhancements. The most prominent features include more updated and corrected translations and some field rearrangements that create an environment that is easier to work in.
- Field 033 has been completely removed; dates related to performances are no longer encoded. Use a 518 note for any performance information. Data previously in this field has been moved to a General Note.
- Field 740, which was only used for imported data, is no longer needed and has been removed.
- The function Associated name (asn) was added to 710 $4 for Sources and Holdings
- The field groups in the secondary literature have been rearranged to better follow the cataloguing workflow
- It is now possible to create new people directly from the secondary literature interface
- Folders can be downloaded as CSV or MARCXML
- Folders can be validated
- Editors have the option to skip validation when saving records if needed
- Rails was upgraded to 5.2 and to bundler 2.0; gems and dependencies were updated
- Solr was update to work with java 11
- A new landing page was added so users can see the news for upgrades directly from the dashboard
- From the catalog it is now possible to download the searches as CSV or MARCXML
- An internal class to pretty-print marc records was added
- muscat-css now contains some global variables to aid customization
- A message is show when the system is reindexing
- Many fixes and cleanup in translations, added new languages and labels.
And many more, which can be found in the long Changelog