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Simplify Rive integration at runtime:
Generate type-safe wrappers for Rive files.

Rive Code Generator is released under the MIT license. Current GitHub Actions build status. Latest GitHub release. PRs welcome!

This tool parses Rive (.riv) files and extracts component names, artboards, state machine inputs, and other components in a human-readable format. Key features include:

  • Creating type-safe wrappers for .riv files (e.g., static helper classes)
  • Generating JSON representations of .riv files
  • Diffing .riv files for version control purposes
  • Generating complete code components

The tool uses Mustache templating for flexible output generation.

⚠️ Note that this tool is still experimental and untested. Feedback and contributions are appreciated.


See the release workflow for release details.

The latest release can be downloaded from the Releases page.


Run the code generator using:

./build/out/lib/<debug|release>/rive_code_generator -i <input_rive_file> -o <output_directory> -l <language>


./build/out/lib/release/rive_code_generator -i ./examples/rive_files/animation.riv -o ./examples/generated_code.dart -l dart

Custom Templates

You can use custom Mustache templates for code generation:

./build/out/lib/release/rive_code_generator -i ./rive_files/ -o ./output/rive.json -t templates/json_template.mustache

Sample templates are available in the templates directory.

Template Syntax

The tool uses Mustache templating. Please refer to the Mustache documentation for syntax details.

For each Rive file {{#riv_files}}, the following variables are available:

  • {{riv_pascal_case}}: The Rive file name in PascalCase

  • {{riv_camel_case}}: The Rive file name in camelCase

  • {{riv_snake_case}}: The Rive file name in snake_case

  • {{riv_kebab_case}}: The Rive file name in kebab-case

  • {{assets}}: List of assets in the Rive file

  • For each asset {{#assets}}:

    • {{asset_name}}: Name of the asset
    • {{asset_camel_case}}: Name of the asset in camelCase
    • {{asset_pascal_case}}: Name of the asset in PascalCase
    • {{asset_snake_case}}: Name of the asset in snake_case
    • {{asset_kebab_case}}: Name of the asset in kebab-case
    • {{asset_type}}: Type of the asset
    • {{asset_id}}: ID of the asset
    • {{asset_cdn_uuid}}: CDN UUID of the asset
    • {{asset_cdn_base_url}}: CDN base URL of the asset
  • For each artboard {{#artboards}}:

    • {{artboard_name}}: The original artboard name
    • {{artboard_pascal_case}}: The artboard name in PascalCase
    • {{artboard_camel_case}}: The artboard name in camelCase
    • {{artboard_snake_case}}: The artboard name in snake_case
    • {{artboard_kebab_case}}: The artboard name in kebab-case
    • {{animations}}: List of animation names for the artboard
    • For each animation {{#animations}}:
      • {{animation_name}}: Name of the animation
      • {{animation_camel_case}}: Name of the animation in camelCase
      • {{animation_pascal_case}}: Name of the animation in PascalCase
      • {{animation_snake_case}}: Name of the animation in snake_case
      • {{animation_kebab_case}}: Name of the animation in kebab-case
    • {{state_machines}}: List of state machines for the artboard
    • For each state machine {{#state_machines}}:
      • {{state_machine_name}}: Name of the state machine
      • {{state_machine_camel_case}}: Name of the state machine in camelCase
      • {{state_machine_pascal_case}}: Name of the state machine in PascalCase
      • {{state_machine_snake_case}}: Name of the state machine in snake_case
      • {{state_machine_kebab_case}}: Name of the state machine in kebab-case
      • {{inputs}}: List of inputs for the state machine
      • For each input {{#inputs}}:
        • {{input_name}}: Name of the input
        • {{input_type}}: Type of the input
        • {{input_default_value}}: Default value of the input
    • {{text_value_runs}}: List of text value runs for the artboard
    • For each text value run {{#text_value_runs}}:
      • {{text_value_run_name}}: Name of the text value run
      • {{text_value_run_camel_case}}: Name of the text value run in camelCase
      • {{text_value_run_pascal_case}}: Name of the text value run in PascalCase
      • {{text_value_run_snake_case}}: Name of the text value run in snake_case
      • {{text_value_run_kebab_case}}: Name of the text value run in kebab-case
      • {{text_value_run_default}}: Default value of the text value run
      • {{text_value_run_default_sanitized}}: Default value of the text value run with special characters encoded
    • For each nested text value run {{#nested_text_value_runs}}:
      • {{nested_text_value_run_name}}: Name of the nested text value run
      • {{nested_text_value_run_path}}: Path of the nested text value run

⚠️ Warning: For duplicated names (e.g., multiple artboards, animations, or assets with the same name), the original unique names will be preserved. However, the case-converted versions (such as camelCase, PascalCase, etc.) will have a unique identifier attached to avoid conflicts.

For example:

  • Original names: "MyArtboard", "MyArtboard"
  • Unique camelCase: "myArtboard", "myArtboardU1"

This ensures that all generated code and references remain unique and valid.

Supported Languages

At the moment, the tool supports Dart and JSON outputs. More defualt exports will be added. However, you can easily add your own by providing a custom template.


Contributions are welcome! Please see our Contributing Guidelines for more details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.