The App shows data for Melbourne Bike Share, which is a joint RACV/Victorian Government bicycle hire scheme.
The App shows a map of:
- locations of all the bike share pods,
- the number of bikes located at each pod
- the number of empty slots at the pod.
The App shows each of the stations as a circle on the map. The size of the circle is related to the number of bikes available.
A search box which lets users find stations.
- Presents an auto suggestion as the user types.
- Upon tapping on the auto suggestion, zooms to the pin and shows an option to get directions.
- Upon tapping get directions, navigation directions is shown in Maps taking the user from where they are, to the location of the bike station.
- iOS > 8.0
- Xcode 8.0
- Swift 2.3
The App consumes data from the following service: