Stuff related to middle tier like web/app server
1. sslCertCheck
This is a lambda which can be used in AWS public cloud. Settings for lambda :
- Runtime : 3.7
- Handler : lambdaCheckSsslExpiration.lambda_handler
- Environment variables:
- AlertExpirationDays ( example: 10 )
- slackRestEndpiont ( example: )
- urls ( example: {"":"443","":"443"} ) *you can have different port for https above.
Rest everything is default.
You can create a AWS Cloudwatch rule to run on a certain schedule.
Now to upload this lambda , you need all the dependencies packed with it following this link
In my personal development environment , i have amazon linux docker image ( where i create the package so it can be as close as possible to the lambda run time environment.
In case you dont want to do that work , i have the zip file also in github. Hopefully just uploading it should be fine.
2. checkDomainExpiration
Settings for lambda :
- Runtime : 3.6
- Handler : checkDoaminExpiration.lambda_handler
- Environment variables:
- AlertExpirationDays ( example: 10 )
- slackRestEndpiont ( example: )
- urls ( example:, )
Rest everything is default.
You can create a AWS Cloudwatch rule to run on a certain schedule.