This is an EVE-NG fork of just the html directory to add functionality.
Fucntionality is currently incomplete, use at own risk.
Installation can be done ontop of an existing 2.0.79 EVE-NG install with the following
cd /opt/unetlab
git clone
mv html htmlbak
mv eve-ng html
mv html/ ./
The install script does the following; backup /etc/network/interfaces to interfaces.bak installs modifies docker startup script and configuration modifies openvswitch to fix issue modifies apache2 startup to fix issue add new /etc/network/interfaces for ovs
Uninstallation should be as easy as restoring the html directory and interfaces file
Firstly, you need to pull a docker image with vnc. The below image should work
docker pull danielguerra/wireshark-vnc
Next, you will need to create a docker node with this image inside your lab.
Once the image is running you will need to add the container id to includes/.config The format is labid_tenantid_nodeid
You can also find it by using docker ps from the cli.
Note: The script which adds the capture inteface dosent have rights to modify the ovs db. I need to fix this but for the time being you can chmod 777 /var/run/openvswitch/db.sock or chown www-data:www-data /var/run/openvswitch/db.sock
- Linux bridge code is replaced for Open Virtual Switch
- Docker support was mostly functional, but made a few small changes to make it function
- Rewrote handler function for docker to support vnc, telnet and w/custom ports
- Rewrote capture handler to capture traffic locally to docker node
- Ability to add links to already running devices (hotadd)
- Need to link the ovs pnet interfaces to physical interfaces
- Need to work on error checking for adding interfaces
- Docker mgmt interface attaches as eth0. Need to change this to something such as mgmt0
- Docker data interfaces attach with vunlx_x_x nomenclature