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My Kafka stream proof of concept

Trying random things with Apache Kafka Stream


In this repository you can the following components,

  • Producer application
  • Consumer application
  • Stream application

In order to simulate a topology with three nodes,

  • Source node (i.e Producer application)
  • Stream node (i.e Stream application)
  • Sink node (i.e Consumer application)

Setup before run a demo

First you have present, in your system, a kafka distribution (if you don't have one, check and download it from here). In this sample, we're using v2.4.1 (the latest one at the moment of development)

Starting ,both, zookeeper and kakfa servers

Staying in /bin inside kafka directory, run the following

First, zookeeper server

bin $ ./ ../config/

In another shell, we launch the kakfa server

bin $ ./ ../config/

Creating topics

We have to create two topics, one will be produced as an input, and another one will be consumed as an output

bin $ ./ --create --topic sensor_input --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 partition 1 --replication-factor 1
bin $ ./ --create --topic sensor_output --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 partition 1 --replication-factor 1

You can check if both were created, by the following command,

bin $ ./ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
# The output should be the following

Run each of the components

How to launch the Stream application

SensorMeasurementsStream $ ./gradlew clean run
# The output should be the following
> Task :run
   Sub-topology: 0
    Source: KSTREAM-SOURCE-0000000000 (topics: [sensor_input])
      --> KSTREAM-SINK-0000000001
    Sink: KSTREAM-SINK-0000000001 (topic: sensor_output)

How to launch the Consumer application

   SensorMeasurementConsumer $ ./gradlew clean run
   > Task :compileJava
   > Task :run

How to launch the Producer application

SensorMeasurementProducer $ ./gradlew clean run

> Task :run


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