In this complete Python course you will learn everything you need to get started with Python. π π€© By the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of the concepts and hands-on experience with several demo projects you can follow along.
1 - Course Intro & Course Overview
2 - Introduction to Python
3 - Installation and Local Setup with PyCharm
4 - Write our first Python
5 - Python IDE vs simple File Editor
6 - Strings and Number Data Types
7 - Variables in Python
8 - Encapsulate Logic with Functions
8 - Scope
9 - Accepting User Input
10 - Conditionals (if / else) and Boolean Data Type
11 - Error Handling with Try / Except
12 - While Loops
13 - Lists and For Loops
14 - Thanks JetBrains!
15 - Comments in Python
16 - Sets
17 - Built-In Functions
18 - Dictionary Data Type
19 - Modularize your project with Modules
20 - Project: Countdown App
21 - Packages, PyPI and pip
22 - Project: Automation with Python (Working with Spreadsheets)
23 - Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects
24 - Project: API Request to GitLab
25 - Wrap Up