This is free quick start template for a secure Django web application using OAuth2 with server side encrypted tokens. This template has all my favorite bits for a good secure Django web site. Questions and contributions are welcome.
Online Demo:
Note: The demo login is: admin/password. These can be changed in proj.settings.base.
Note: Features are explained in more detail below
- Oauth2 authentication with server side encrypting/decrypting/refreshing of tokens.
- Example REST API with auto documentation using Swagger.
- NGINX configuration using FastCGI and UWSGI.
- Oauth2 unit test templates.
- Celery configuration.
- Bootstrap 4.
Note: Please use Python 3.x for these instructions
The Quick Start Script does all the manual steps listed below for you.
source <(curl -s
Clone project to local directory.
Change directory to git project root directory (Quickstart-Secure-Django-Template).
Create a new Virtual Environment:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate VE:
source ./venv/bin/activate
Update PIP to latest:
pip install --update pip
Install required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="proj.settings.local"
Change directory to Django project:
cd django_project
Run django migrate:
python3 migrate
Load API test data:
python3 loaddata apps/api_example/fixtures/testdata.json
Run admin command to setup Oauth:
python admin --init-oauth
Run Django server:
python3 runserver
Secure Oauth2 User Authentication
This project uses the django-oauth-toolkit to enable Oauth2 user authentication. Oauth tokens are encrypted and decrypted at the server. A custom middleware is provided that automates the encrypting, decrypting and refreshing of Oauth2 tokens.
Views need only to have the appropriate django security function decorators.
REST API with Swagger and ReDoc Documentation
A template for REST API is included with automatic API documentation using Swagger. A separate API authentication handler is available in Rich API viewsets are available in which can add various features to APIs.
NGINX Configuration
A NGINX web server configuration is available using FastCGI and UWSGI. SSL configuration will get an 'A+' on Qualys SSL test.
Basic User Management
Basic user management web pages are available to allow creating, editing and deleting system users. This has integration with Oauth2.
Authenticated and Non-Authenticated Templates
All pages source a top level template from the 'templates' directory for pages where the user has authenticated or not.
Oauth2 Unit Tests
There are example unit tests to support testing when Oauth2 authentication is used.
Support for Celery tasks
This project also has support for Celery tasks, see proj.settings.celery
Bootstrap 4
Template web pages are formatted using Bootstrap 4