available for free on pinboards.halb.it
- full i18n support, currently with Italian and english translations.
- accessible and responsive design, with 100% scores on lighthouse
- prometheus metrics compatibility
- HaveIbeenPwned password apis integration, for increased protection against credential stuffing
You can use the provided Docker image for a quick production deployment. The following environment variables are required:
MARIADB_HOST: mariadb server hostname
MARIADB_USER: mariadb server username
MARIADB_PASSWORD: mariadb server password
MARIADB_DATABASE: database name
BASE_URL: 'https://pinboards.it'
Use the docker-compose file to spin up an instance of the app listening on port 5000, with a preconfigured mariadb database
cp env.example .env
docker-compose up --build
Requirements: php, a mariadb/mysql server.
These instruction are for a generic wamp / lamp local setup. The provided dockerfiles are only designed for testing and production deployment.
clone this repository into the public folder of your webserver
into a new fileconfig.php
and configure the local database credentials.
requirements: Node.
Navigate into /pinboards.it and run npm ci
to install the project dependencies. then run npm start
or npm run build
- in
configure the variable ENV_BASE_PATH to contain the application base path of your local webserver. This is expecially useful in LAMP/WAMP setups, where the hosted app is not located at http://localhost/index.php and instead is at http://localhost/local/base/path/index.php