The Robeats-Player app; to allow the user to play music from local storage, and sync media over a local network with the Robeats-Desktop application. The app is written using the Flutter framework for Dart, allowing the app to be ran natively on Android and iOS.
I welcome all contribution, in the form of pull-requests that anybody can offer. You must prescribe to the dartfmt guidelines for styling. Ensure, if you use Android Studio or another JetBrains IDE, that you turn this on. If you do not use an IDE capable of supporting dartfmt, take a look here. Furthermore, ensure your line width is 120! Any PRs with incorrect styling, or many additions and deletions due to styling, will be ignored.
The app is not finished yet, and the design is by no means finished whatsoever; the colours may change, the entire layout may chance in the course of one commit. So, these screenshots are by no means a representation of the final look, or even how it looks now.
I have not included, as of yet, any android or ios files. If you are going to build the app, you must run the flutter command to create these - as I am using the default package com.example.... so it does not matter what you use. Eventually, I will include the files, once we use a package name.
Sliding up panel: This product includes software developed by Akshath Jain (