Lab environment for a server/client setup using Chocolatey Simple Server, Puppet Bolt and Docker.
Puppet Bolt and Docker Desktop must be installed on your machine. You must also enable windows containers in Docker Desktop.
choco install docker-desktop puppet-bolt
Install Bolt project modules:
bolt module install
The build script will compose the client and server docker containers, apply the Puppet manifests and push a set of test packages to the internal Chocolatey repository.
Bolt uses WinRM to apply configuration. You can debug WinRM connection issues with:
$splat = @{
Credential = Get-Credential 'Bolt'
ComputerName = 'localhost'
Port = 55986 # See docker-compose.yaml for port maps
Authentication = 'Basic'
UseSSL = $true
SessionOption = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck # Using self-signed cert for WinRM connection
Enter-PSSession @splat
Start an interactive session through docker on the container:
docker exec -it <client/chocoserver> powershell