This add-on is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.
Thid add-on periodically polls the server to get the current alert/inbox count. If the count changes, that count can be displayed in any of the following locations:
- In the title of the tab
- In an icon overlaying the favicon
- In a browser Notification
To change the update interval go into the ACP and either type "Live Update" into search or navigate to Options > Live Update Options. Change the "Live Update Interval" option to your desired update interval (in seconds).
Users can also control the appearance of the count in their Preferences:
The ability to change these preferences depends on the user having permission to do so.
Should the user not have this permission, their settings will be changed to whatever the default value is in Options > Live Update Options. The value here also dictates the default value for newly registered users on the forum.
- Robbo
- Naatan
- Chris D
- Jake B